Scottish Daily Mail



RetRogRade Jupiter is making its penultimat­e ‘square’ with Pluto now. after august, it won’t make this rare alignment again until 2023. It represents ambition, exploring transforma­tion, searching for freedom and regaining control. Yet, with Jupiter retrograde, we run the risk of exaggerati­ng our own importance, and ruffling the wrong feathers. So let’s not forget that we’re on a deeply significan­t adventure. and that whatever dark corners this journey takes us to, we’ll not only survive, but grow stronger and wiser too.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 GUESS what — you’re not the finished article. I know, I’m stating the obvious! But here’s some news that might be slightly more attention-grabbing. You’ve achieved far more than many people realise. You’ve had some tough battles and you’ve got scars to prove it. But that doesn’t mean that all that you know is how to fight. Give yourself some credit. If you simply choose to harness the knowledge you’ve amassed, you’ll emerge from your current challenges unscathed and stronger. Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. For a spookily accurate prediction, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21— May 21 THOUGH the U.S. election is over, supporters of the two main parties are still busily expressing their opinions. Either the new president can do no wrong, or he’s destroying the country — and anyone who disagrees is either blind or foolish. At least on that last point, the opponents are united. Yet surely, what’s bad for everyone is a state of mind in which such prejudices run rampant. As Mercury joins Mars in your sign tomorrow, it’s time to match intensity of feeling with

depth of understand­ing. Change your life with a spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth now! Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22 WHAT’S got your guard up? What shadowy figure has caught the eye of your inner sentry? It may be prudent to treat anyone who approaches as a threat. But opportunit­y and friendship can also approach from the horizon. Don’t let your perception­s colour the genuine intentions of those around you. You don’t have to let everyone into your inner circle. Just be aware that you might be wrong about their motives. Someone who you thought was a foe could well prove otherwise. Your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast will lift your spirits. For four minutes of good news, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June23 — July23 REMEMBER Ghostbuste­rs? ‘When there’s something wrong, in your neighbourh­ood, who you gonna call?’ The film was very successful, but it didn’t spawn many real-life imitations. The market for travelling exorcists was limited. Yet many of us know what it is to feel haunted; not by spectres, but by poignant memories. Perhaps something is making you sad when you think about it. Yet, as the Moon links to Mars and then Pluto, your team of mood-shifters are answering the call. Change your future! Hear your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24—Aug 23 MICHAEL Jackson made the ‘moonwalk’ globally popular, but Cab Calloway was performing his own version, the ‘buzz’, back in the 1930s. As a kid, I can remember trying to perfect it. But even if I had done so, what would I have gained? I can’t say for sure, but my life has never felt complete without a moonwalkin­g feather in my cap. What are you trying hard to master when perhaps you could be focusing elsewhere? Don’t live your life in service to an idea that, really, you’re ready to move beyond. Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. For a spookily accurate prediction, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug24 — Sep 23 A QUESTION for a philosophi­cal Thursday: What mood is the Creator of the universe in? Another one? What does he, she or it, think about you? I find it difficult to imagine that any Supreme Being experience­s emotional fluctuatio­ns or holds strong judgementa­l opinions. That doesn’t sound like a very supreme way of being! If you feel as if the universe is trying to punish you, it isn’t. With your ruler about to change signs, you’ll soon see directions that reveal the way to a more inspiring outlook. Change your life with a spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth now! Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA WE’RE constantly Sep 24 — Oct 23 told that we can’t have everything our own way. As a Libran, you hardly need reminding. You spend your life considerin­g what’s fair. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t get what you want. After all, what you want doesn’t have to come at anybody else’s expense. And it needn’t mean taking more than your fair share of contentmen­t. Today, the cosmos finally loads your side of the scales. Don’t feel guilty about helping yourself. It enables you to give so much back. Your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast will lift your spirits. For four minutes of good news, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct24 — Nov22 THERE’S really no reason why you can’t enjoy yourself. You may feel stressed, but has it ever been any other way? There’s always something to wrestle with or to worry about. But here comes something to celebrate and make the most of. Jupiter links with your modern ruler Pluto. A good mood is not irrefutabl­e proof of an imminent improvemen­t in your fortunes, but you’re definitely entitled to recognise the possibilit­y that things might just turn out very well after all! Change your future! Hear your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov23 — Dec21 EXPERTS use a ‘control group’ to determine if medicine works; one group takes it, while the control group receive placebos. But what if there’s an unusual number in the sample set who are prone to worry? If they were all in one group, fretting about the treatment they were receiving, it might skew the results. In these circumstan­ces, as in yours, the best they can do is relax. Remain positive, no matter what enters your life. Your situation can grow healthier. Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. For a spookily accurate prediction, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec22—Jan20 SOME experts can tell the difference between true Champagne, made in a particular region of France, and sparkling wine, prepared in the same way somewhere else. You have to wonder whether such discrimina­tion really conveys an advantage. Doesn’t it just make the weekly drinks bill more expensive? Others insist that a fine bottle of ‘methode champenois­e’ is better and cheaper than a poor Champagne. Jupiter is linking to Pluto in your sign. Don’t stake everything on a reputation today. Change your life with a spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth now! Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19 RECENTLY, I was on London’s South Bank with my three-yearold. We stopped at the unofficial skate park. ‘What are they doing, Daddy?’ asked my son, before doubling up in hysterics as a young man fell off his skateboard. And, from his position atop my shoulders, he pointed and laughed at every stumble. Then, when we got home, he was desperate to ride his scooter. From your own safe space it’s easy to mock the world’s failings. But today, you’ll find that it’s more rewarding to be in the game. Your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast will lift your spirits. For four minutes of good news, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb20 — Mar20 REFLEXOLOG­ISTS believe that all our vital organs have correspond­ing points on the foot. You can alleviate a headache, relieve back pain, or settle a stomach just as long as you know which part of the sole to massage. Does that sound far-fetched? It shouldn’t. Your retrograde ruler’s exact square with Pluto today enables you to consider all the changes you can bring about, just by paying enough positive attention to the subject of where you stand — and what you can feel supported by. Change your future! Hear your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5612.

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