Scottish Daily Mail

Mother’s Day doesn’t mean it’s all about you


A bloke who complained about a woman breastfeed­ing her baby in a pub was branded a ‘judgmental idiot’ by outraged mothers — but who exactly is being condemnato­ry here?

Sheldon Sparks asked on his Facebook account if it was appropriat­e for a young mother to have two glasses of wine during her Mother’s Day pub lunch — and then ‘flop a breast out’ to give junior his num-nums.

What was his issue — the wine, the special day or the inflammato­ry mammary calamity? The mother in question said it was only a spritzer anyway. She hadn’t had a drink for nine months so deserved a break, so shut up, big guy.

Militant breast-is-best supporters piled in online to attack Mr Sparks, claiming the Uk has one of the lowest breastfeed­ing rates in the world and no wonder, with Neandertha­ls such as him roaming free. This all happened at the Spotted Cow in bristol, which prides itself on being family friendly. even so, I don’t think pubs are proper places for tiny babies, no matter how desperate mum is for a beaker or two of chardonnay. Discreet breastfeed­ing is fine, with a modesty blanket at the ready, although that didn’t seem to be what happened here.

That is why my sympathies lie with Mr Sparks — but mostly with the little baby. Mummy may only have taken a few steps on her journey of motherhood, but she needs to realise sharpish that her needs and wants are now going to have to come a very, very distant second place.

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