Scottish Daily Mail



SATURN is stationary in the sky. In a few days it will turn retrograde for the final time before changing signs later this year. Whenever a planet turns retrograde, it calls for a period of review. We’re being encouraged to learn lessons and revisit issues that we can finally put to bed, with a new, more informed attitude. Saturn first entered Sagittariu­s in 2015 and will depart at the end of the year. Whatever restrictio­ns you’ve faced on your movement, now is the time to learn how to unbuckle the leash.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 YOU can’t hope to put something right until you recognise what’s wrong with it. But you won’t see that until you experience its negative effects. There’s a natural tendency, therefore, for people to ignore their troubles and the issues that they face. Looking at these rarely makes any of us feel better. Paying them less attention brings us some kind of distractio­n and relief. Yet, as your ruler makes a difficult link to Jupiter, something really does need to be bravely tackled. It won’t feel great when you first start doing this — but how glad you will be later. Understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to assure success in April. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21 IMAGINE that you have to bake a cake for a party of eight. You want to follow the recipe, but it seems like an awful lot of ingredient­s. Does it really require that much sugar? Surely, you can do things by eye and save a little in the process. But then the cake that comes out risks being too small and bland to be fit for a celebratio­n. The cosmos is asking for a commitment of your resources to make today a success. Now’s not the time to do things half-baked. Your hopes and dreams deserve a whole-hearted approach. Please keep reading. There are great things to discover in your in-depth forecast for April. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22 ‘I HAVE to watch the river, to see that it doesn’t stop, and stick around the rose buds so they’ll know when to pop.’ So goes the old song I’m Busy Doing Nothing, by Johnny Burke. Is that what you’re doing? Rushing around, organising something that’s under control and requires no extra energy? With Saturn stationing opposite your sign, certain people might think so. But that could be because you’re in danger of exposing their lackadaisi­cal attitudes. Have no fear. You’re busy doing something worthwhile. April is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news in your NEW four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23 NO ONE likes being smothered. There comes a point when attention crosses the line from comforting to confining. Perhaps you’ve been guilty of this in the past. But it’s now possible that the shoe’s on the other foot. There’s nothing wrong with needing space and regaining control of your life. We all need to feel that we have power over our own dominion. Just be careful that you’re not burning bridges that you may need to cross. If you’re careful, considerat­e, and compassion­ate, you’ll be fine. There’s lots to tell you about April — and you’re going to like it. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast: 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23 ADVERTISER­S are keen to tell us that their products are the best. When we think we’re getting something that’s ‘as good as it can be’, we’ll enjoy it more. So they make persuasive inferences, even about offerings that are of average quality. Often, we’re so convinced, that we don’t trust something excellent as much as something mediocre with the word ‘best’ stamped on it. Mars and Jupiter soon make an enthusiast­ic yet uncomforta­ble link. Don’t let a claim cloud your judgment today. Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth forecast, you should hear the excellent news for April. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23 THERE’S a wonderful story about Sir David Attenborou­gh filming wildlife on a remote expedition. Deep in the jungle, a tribe dressed in their warrior gear appeared, and began running towards the film crew. Sir David sauntered towards them; smile beaming, hand outstretch­ed in greeting. As they rushed towards him and the scattered crew, they slowed down, then shook hands and welcomed the visitors to their land. Where can you now offer a gesture of good faith? It may be the best investment you can make. Your in-depth, NEW April forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 YESTERDAY, we discussed the difference between heart and soul. But aren’t they separate aspects of our inner selves? When we link them, we may make it harder to heal emotional wounds. It’s one thing to be sad, another to believe we feel the kind of sadness that seems to penetrate to the core of our being. Broken hearts can mend. And souls, actually, can’t break! Your ruler and Jupiter are both retrograde in your sign, but no matter what’s upsetting you, coming events will lift your spirits. And where your spirit goes, your heart will follow! Understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to assure success in April. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22 YESTERDAY, we talked about being more forgiving. Being magnanimou­s doesn’t necessaril­y mean keeping the status quo. And if we let go of a mistake, it doesn’t mean that we’re obliged to be stuck with its consequenc­es. Today is yesterday’s future. It’s a bright new day today. But it will only feel good if you choose to make it different from the past. You don’t have to hold back any more. If you wish to grow, it’s time to move onwards and most emphatical­ly upwards. The cosmos is giving you the energy to shine. Please keep reading. There are great things to discover in your in-depth forecast for April. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 ARE you working your fingers to the bone? Are you trying as hard as you can? Are you sure? Try harder! Do more! Stop slacking! OK. Enough. I can’t take this tone any longer, and you don’t deserve to be spoken to like this — by me or anyone else — even yourself. With Saturn in your sign, about to join your ruler in retrograde, misplaced guilt could be affecting your judgment. Yet Mars’s influence suggests that it’s time to be less apologetic and to find more pride. You deserve it. April is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news in your NEW four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20 IT’S easier to perform a disappeari­ng act than to conjure an apparition — especially if we’re performing more than just an illusion. With only a little dynamite, an eyesore that has dominated the horizon for years will be instantly gone. Yet the work to put something in its place may take a long effort. You must resolve a situation where a quick fix seems inappropri­ate. You’re expected to conjure a solution out of thin air. Deep down, you know the course to pursue. And you have the creative power to make it happen. There’s lots to tell you about April — and you’re going to like it. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast: 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19 SOMETIMES, no matter how we sit, we can’t get comfortabl­e. We wriggle to the left and to the right. Each time, we notice something digging into our posterior, forcing us into another awkward position. What’s the solution? A different chair? Cushions? Or perhaps, just a decision to pay less attention to all that seems unsatisfac­tory. With Venus still retrograde, and your traditiona­l ruler stationary, perfection may prove elusive. Things won’t be so bad if you take the rough with the smooth. Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth forecast, you should hear the excellent news for April. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 AN OUTSTRETCH­ED hand can mean many things. It might feel like someone grasping at you, trying to take what you need. Or asking you for aid. But, if you look carefully, you’ll see something else. You’re surrounded by more help than you realise. Wherever you go, there’s someone wiling to go out of their way to assist you in your endeavours. You just have to stop avoiding their attention as if they’re trying to pick your pocket. Your world can be a lot kinder, friendlier and compassion­ate. But only if you see it that way. Your in-depth, NEW April forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5612.

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