Scottish Daily Mail

How TV’s Tommy Walsh found bunions aren’t just caused by high heels


BUNIONS are a common problem, so when TV builder Tommy Walsh developed a painful swelling on his foot, he assumed he’d joined the millions of others affected by them.

Bunions are typically associated with wearing high heels or bad genes, but Tommy, 60 — best known for starring in the garden makeover show Ground Force — had no idea why his had formed.

A bunion is a bony joint deformity at the base of the big toe. It causes the top of the big toe to push sideways at an angle towards the second toe, often resulting in a sore lump. They may affect one or both feet.

Exactly what causes them is unknown, but badly fitting shoes are thought to make the problem worse. When Tommy noticed changes to his left big toe around ten years ago, he went to his GP, who told him it was a bunion. He asked about treatment, but was told that bunion surgery — which typically involves cutting and reposition­ing the bone — was painful and had a recovery time of up to three months. It was time off work he could not afford to take.

‘When you’re self-employed, you have to work or you don’t get paid,’ says Tommy, who lives with his wife Marie in East London and has three grown-up children. ‘So I decided to keep an eye on it instead.’

Last year, however, the pain became too severe for Tommy to ignore.

‘I have to be on my feet a lot for work. I managed it in summer by wearing flip-flops, which kept the pressure off the affected toe joint. But recently I’ve been doing a lot of talks in schools and have to wear smart shoes.

‘After a couple of hours the throbbing pain was unbearable. Only wide-fitting Caterpilla­r boots were comfortabl­e. At

that point I knew I had to get it fixed.’ This time his GP referred him to a foot specialist for tests. An X-ray revealed his problem was not a convention­al bunion at all, but osteoarthr­itis in the big toe (the technical name for which is hallux rigidus).

This is where the cushioning cartilage in the joint wears away, causing pain and inflammati­on that can restrict movement. Extra bone can also grow in response to the worn joint, which sometimes causes a bump to develop.

This bump is usually on the top of the big toe joint — rather than the side, as is common with a bunion.

But in some hallux rigidus cases, the joint can bulge outwards, making it look like a bunion.

‘It is a common problem that people often have without knowing it,’ says Michael O’Neill, a podiatrist and spokespers­on for the College of Podiatry. ‘I estimate about 30 per cent of people aged over 55 will have it. But because it varies in severity, it’s often overlooked and some people assume that it’s just a bunion.’

Arthritis of the big toe often occurs as a result of wear and tear of the joint. Inflammato­ry diseases such as gout and rheumatoid arthritis can also contribute as they predispose people to other forms of arthritis in the feet.

But another cause is trauma or a previous injury to the foot. This was the likely culprit in Tommy’s case: more than a decade earlier, he had accidental­ly crushed his foot trying to move a rock while filming a special episode of Ground Force in Ethiopia.

‘Unfortunat­ely for me, it also happened on a rare day I wasn’t wearing steel toe-capped boots,’ he recalls of the incident in 2003.

His foot swelled so much in response to the injury that his colleagues had to cut the boot off.

‘That night, I iced and rested it and the next day they wrapped the boot they’d cut up back around my foot and taped it, so we could do the last day of filming. I think adrenaline got me through the pain.’

AFTEr flying back home, Tommy rested his foot and returned to work once the swelling had gone down. Not realising he had done serious damage, he did not see a doctor.

While most people know if they have broken a bone, it is possible to damage a toe joint badly enough for arthritis to develop without knowing it.

‘Hallux rigidus is common in football players and other sports people who often damage their toes, as well as people in building or manufactur­ing trades,’ says Mr O’Neill.

But, he adds, it can also happen from dropping something on your foot or badly stubbing your toe.

The condition can sometimes be managed with painkiller­s and comfortabl­e footwear or insoles.

Corticoste­roid injections may also be given, and some podiatrist­s offer jabs of hyaluronic acid — a lubricatin­g oil for the joint.

But if it becomes too painful, patients may opt for surgery. After Tommy’s diagnosis, he was booked in for a cheilectom­y — where the joint is opened up so the surgeon can remove the extra bone — at Homerton Hospital in East London.

‘I was given a local anaestheti­c and told I could watch the procedure as it happened,’ he says.

‘But I thought I’d watch a movie instead.’

Once the extra bone is removed, the joint can be stabilised with pins. A plate is inserted in severe cases.

‘We removed the extra bone and didn’t have to insert pins,’ says Trevor Prior, the podiatrist who treated Tommy. ‘We also found a piece of loose bone while we were doing it, which we also removed.’

Afterwards, Tommy was shown half a cupful of bone that been removed.

‘I was told it was the most spectacula­r bone growth Mr Prior had seen in all his career,’ he says.

Tommy was advised to rest his foot and wear a protective boot to keep the joint stable for a couple of weeks.

He is now happily wearing smart shoes again.

‘I’m very pleased with the results. If I’d known it was so straightfo­rward a procedure I’d probably have had it done sooner. Either way, it is a lesson learnt. Since the accident I have always worn steel toe-capped boots.’

TOMMY WALSH has been working with recruitmen­t website

 ??  ?? A decade of pain: Tommy Walsh
A decade of pain: Tommy Walsh

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