Scottish Daily Mail

Woman who neglected dog and dumped it in bin faces jail

- By Jamie Beatson

AN ‘unthinkabl­y cruel’ woman who neglected her dog then dumped it in a bin to die was yesterday facing jail.

Heather Stott let the pointer crossbreed go without care or treatment for emaciation, dehydratio­n and dental disease for almost a month last year.

Then, on April 14, she dumped the dog in a commercial wheelie bin in Dundee’s Dundonald Street yards from her home.

The dog, named Dougal, was found by a member of the public alive but was malnourish­ed and unable to stand.

They called in the Scottish SPCA, who say their inspector found Dougal partially inside a black bag. He was taken to a vet who decided the only humane option was to put him down.

The charity described the crime as ‘despicable’ and ‘unthinkabl­y cruel’.

Now Stott, 58, faces up to 12 months in jail after admitting two animal cruelty charges.

She pleaded guilty to causing the dog unnecessar­y suffering by failing to provide him with adequate care and treatment.

Stott, pictured, also admitted abandoning Dougal in an industrial waste bin with no means of escape.

Her sister, Norma Stott, 71, also of Dundee, had her not guilty plea accepted.

Fiscal depute Trina Sinclair said Stott had no previous conviction­s.

Sheriff Richard McFarlane deferred sentence until next month. He said: ‘The charges make anxious reading. Both are serious matters.’

Speaking after Dougal was found, Scottish SPCA Chief Inspector John Carle said a local inspector had to climb into the metal bin to rescue the animal.

He said: ‘The dog was found at the bottom of a large metal bin.

‘He had a black bag wrapped around his body but we don’t know if he was fully inside the bag when he was dumped.

‘The dog was estimated to be between ten and 12 years old so we have to consider that he may have been abandoned due to his age, which is unthinkabl­y cruel.

‘This poor dog would have been terrified and was suffering a great deal.’

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