Scottish Daily Mail

Should we renational­ise rail, power and post?


All this labour rot about renational­ising rail, energy and post will cut no ice with voters, as the idea smacks of the inefficien­cy and waste of the Sixties and Seventies. On the other hand, if the government were to buy one of the ‘big six’ energy companies and start its own company, pitching charges at a reasonable level, it would soon capture the market. What we tend to forget is that the power companies only buy gas and electricit­y in bulk from suppliers and then divide it up between us mug punters to make their huge profits.

CoLIn nICoL, Cheam, Surrey. I DON’T believe wanting to renational­ise the railways, the Royal Mail and power is extreme. As for going back to the Seventies, there was far less unemployme­nt and immigratio­n then. PeTeR McGUInneSS, London e15. tHOSe who enthuse about renational­ising the railways are too young to remember how miserable British Rail was. there were strikes across the whole system, the trains were often ancient and huge sums were wasted — new engines scrapped, modernised lines closed, innovation­s discontinu­ed. there were several terrible crashes and trains rarely arrived on time. Yes, privatisat­ion was initially botched, but now it is working. the other day I travelled from the north of england to the South. It cost £10 (booked in advance). the destinatio­n boards showed ‘on time’ to places as far apart as edinburgh and Plymouth — BR couldn’t do that. If it ain’t bust, don’t fix it.

SIMon CaMPbeLL, Glasgow. DEWY-EYED Lefties who want renational­isation should visit the old British Rail sandwich museum in Stayland Curley! Service was not so good back then. ChRIS Day, Crowthorne, berks.

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