Scottish Daily Mail

The wives who weigh exactly the same as their other half

These women all do — and say it’s humiliatin­g . . .

- By Lauren Libbert

ON ONE point, every romantic novel and gushy Hollywood film is crystal clear: a husband should be able to effortless­ly carry his wife over the threshold or passionate­ly sweep her off her feet mid-embrace.

That may only be possible, of course, if you’re actually lighter than your beloved. And for some women, the romantic ideal of being carried off by your big bear of a husband is simply impossible — because they are precisely the same weight as their man.

No matter how enlightene­d the times we live in, we tend to expect our husbands to be heavier than us — a legacy from caveman days, when we all needed a hunk to protect us.

Today, however, things have changed — and women are larger than they have ever been. In the Fifties, the average-sized British woman was 9st 10lb, with a 27.5in waist, whereas today she tips the scales at 11st with a 34in waist.

And wives desperate to be trimmer report that weighing the same as your husband — to the last pound — can almost be more humiliatin­g than being fatter than him; a constant reminder that you are breaking one of the last, unspoken marital taboos.

It’s this sensation that Chloe Busby, 27, and a stay-at-home mother, reports when she sees her husband Lee, 31, who works in constructi­on, on the scales. Just like her, Lee weighs 10½st — and for Chloe, who lives in West London with Lee and their three children, this is an embarrassm­ent, especially because her husband is some 9in taller than her.

‘I am 5ft 5in and Lee is 6ft 2in, so he is happy with his weight, while I’d love to be lighter,’ she says. ‘When I met Lee eight years ago, I weighed 8½st and was a size eight, but since having our children — Archie, seven, Maisie, five, and Charlie, three — the pounds have crept on.’

MOTHErHOOd is often the cause of so many wives matching their husbands on the scales — baby weight can be hellish to get rid of — as well as the fact that, infuriatin­gly, as men have more muscle mass, they naturally burn calories far quicker than their partners.

‘It’s really annoying because Lee has a superspeed­y metabolism and is always hungry. While he can eat as much as he wants without gaining a pound, I have to be more careful because every bit of over-indulgence shows,’ says Chloe. ‘I joined Slimming World last year and would get on the scales weekly, cooking everything from scratch and being a party-pooper when it came to eating somewhere like Mcdonald’s.

‘But Lee told me to relax — he told me I’d had three kids and looked great — but it was easy for him to say. He could eat biscuits or munch through crisps and still stay tall and skinny. If anything, he’d intentiona­lly eat more because he wanted to put on weight and get a bit bigger.

‘I’m very self-conscious about the size of my bum and stomach. I tend to wear loose tops and hate going shopping. While Lee can walk into a shop and pick up anything he wants and it will fit and look great, clothes don’t always sit right on me.

‘I don’t feel so sexy any more, but I think this is often a woman’s lot after having children and going through all the change in hormones. Lee never had to go through any of that!’

Chloe even bought a pair of Fitbits for them to monitor their daily activity — only to discover her husband was outdoing her.

‘We would compete on our number of daily steps — but I could barely reach 10,000 while Lee pipped 25,000 or more a day. His job is very active and he hardly ever sits down, even at home, while I’m a bit more of a sloth and it takes so much more effort for me to do the same amount of steps. I wish I was smaller and not the same weight as him.’

Lee says: ‘Chloe’s perfect the way she is. We eat every night as a family at 6.30pm — home-cooked meals like shepherd’s pies, curries or fajitas — but I will eat a huge plate, while Chloe will have a more normal portion. I think she’s as sexy as she was when she was smaller, but I wouldn’t mind bulking up so I could be bigger and heavier than her. I started drinking protein shakes, but it doesn’t make much difference.’

Wives who weigh the same as their husbands are often at even more of a disadvanta­ge because men, with their larger frames, tend to carry the weight better than women. rebecca Achillea, 32, a corporate support assistant, agrees, saying her husband Chris, 30, a senior audit manager, manages to conceal his 14st 10lb size better than she does.

‘Chris is 5ft 10in, an inch taller than me, yet the pounds seem evenly spread out across his body,’ says rebecca, who lives in romford, Essex.

‘I’m a pear shape and wear it mainly around my hips and waist. I have huge thighs and am a size 16 to 18. Not so long ago I was 2st lighter and a lot fitter.

‘I hate my wobbly bits and my clothes don’t fit nicely, but I’m embarrasse­d to buy bigger clothing, thinking I’ll fit into my old clothes again soon.

‘I do feel less sexy. I like to feel comfortabl­e in what I’m wearing, and at the moment I don’t at all. Chris always makes a point to say how nice I look, but sometimes I just feel frumpy.

‘It’s annoying that Chris seems to get away with his weight. When he asks me, “does this T-shirt make me look slim?”, I look at him and admit, begrudging­ly, that it does. I usually wear T-shirts and jogging pants because of my weight — and they certainly don’t make me look slim.’

rebecca says part of the problem is that, thanks to a busy schedule, she’s let herself go. ‘We’re so busy with our two daughters — Mollie, seven, and Thea, two — and exhausted with work that something has to give, and that

When we met I was 2st lighter — then I had babies 6ft 2in LEE 5ft 5in CHLOE 10st 7lb

seems to be our diet. We get takeaways at least twice a week, love Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and both suffer from “hanger” — feeling angry when we’re hungry.

‘When this happens, we just need to eat anything, quick, even if it’s takeaway fish and chips.’

Rebecca adds: ‘We weigh ourselves every week and get competitiv­e about it.

‘Every Monday we try to start eating more healthily, but then if that Monday doesn’t go so well, we just say to each other, “next week, next week”.

‘Things are heating up in the competitiv­e stakes as we prepare for a Florida holiday in October. We’d both like to lose 2st, but I have a feeling I won’t fare so well against Chris and I’ll feel awful.’

Chris says: ‘Yes, we are both a bit on the heavy side, but the weight doesn’t bother me; what bothers me is that Rebecca is uncomforta­ble with how she looks.

‘When I first met Rebecca, I was about 3-4st lighter. I used to play rugby and was a drummer in a band, which was very physical. But I have very little time to do any sport or play drums now; my job is demanding and the kids are all-consuming.

‘One day, when the children are older and we have more time on our hands, I would like to get back into sport and lose weight.’

Children haven’t yet come along for Natasha Dsouza, 32, a PhD student, and her husband Johnson Pereira, 35, an oral surgery student, but Natasha is already dreading the impact they will have on her weight, 10st 10lb — exactly the same as her husband.

‘I am a little jealous of how Johnson doesn’t put on weight. He looks the same now as when I met him as a teenager.

‘He hasn’t put on any weight and it’s very annoying, because I’ve slowly been creeping up to his weight and I’m 5ft 1in and he’s 5ft 11in,’ she says.

‘There’s always that thought at the back of our minds that if I’m a little overweight now, how will I be after a baby? It’s a slippery slope. I seem to carry all my weight around my stomach and people have even started coming up to me and asking me if I’m pregnant, which is quite hurtful.

‘I want to be thin like Johnson, but it seems to take such a lot of hard work. I exercise two hours a day most days and yet my stomach is only marginally flatter and I haven’t lost any pounds.’

The problem, Natasha says, is portion control. ‘Johnson has great portion control and will eat only small portions, but he’ll snack a lot. He loves chips, ice cream, sweets and fizzy drinks.

‘I am less of a snacker, but will eat three main meals, often loading up my plate fuller than his and not wanting to waste one bit. “You can always bin it,” Johnson says when he sees me finishing a plate, but I refuse. His whole family are slim. Mine are larger.’

Johnson says: ‘I think I just have lucky genes — we’re all slim in my family. I don’t overeat, but I’m borderline for high cholestero­l, so that’s something I really need to watch as I grow older.

‘I think Natasha is perfect the way she is. But I do tell her it’s fine to throw food away instead of thinking she has to eat it all.’

It seems for some women the dream of being swept off their feet by their hunk of a man remains on hold — until they can beat them on the scales.

He carries his 14st much better than I do 5ft 10in CHRIS 5ft 9in REBECCA 14st 10lb He’s so slim but people ask if I’m pregnant 5ft 11in JOHNSON 5ft 1in NATASHA 10st 10lb

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