Scottish Daily Mail

Student and stepdad killed waiting for her little sister


TEENAGER Courtney Boyle and her stepfather were collecting her little sister from Ariana Grande’s show when the bomb went off.

Their family announced yesterday that the 1 -year-old criminolog­y undergradu­ate and her mother’s partner Philip Tron, a 32-year-old plumber, died in the blast.

They were in the foyer waiting for Nicole, 14, to come out of the concert when killer Salman Abedi struck.

The family had been shopping in Manchester for the day before Nicole was dropped off at the arena.

In a tribute, Courtney’s mother Deborah Hutchinson, from Gateshead, said: ‘My stunning, amazing, beautiful daughter, you were my rock, you made me so proud with all you had achieved.

‘And my gorgeous, crazy Philip, you made my world a happy place... and now you are both my angels flying high in the sky.’

Robert Boyle, Courtney’s father, said: ‘I am going to miss my baby girl for the rest of my life.’

Nicole said: ‘Courtney, my wonder of a sister who is now a shining yellow star in the sky. Phil, my stepdad, my Costa buddy, you were always there no matter what to keep me safe and make me happy.’

Mr Tron was described by his mother June Tron, 61, as a ‘fun-loving soul’ who would ‘light up the darkest room and lift your spirits with his infectious laugh, sense of humour and his beautiful smile’.

Courtney’s boyfriend Callum Maundrill wrote online: ‘My Courtney was an adventurer, a precious & joyous soul. She made people feel loved and safe. No one had what that lass had. I’m the person I am today because of her.’

 ??  ?? ‘A shining star’: Courtney Boyle, 19
‘A shining star’: Courtney Boyle, 19
 ??  ?? Died in foyer: Plumber Philip Tron
Died in foyer: Plumber Philip Tron

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