Scottish Daily Mail

Ruth’s quiet REVOLUTION

Millions of Scots are sick of being ignored, tired of Nationalis­t grievance, and fed up with SNP failings in health, education and the economy. And in Tory leader Ruth Davidson, they’ve found a rebel WITH a cause...

- by Stephen Daisley

Ruth Davidson is not an obvious choice to lead a revolution. But out there in the country, from the family farms of the Borders to the fishing enclaves of the North-East, from Central Belt suburbs to the rolling hills of Perthshire, a rebellion is brewing – and Miss Davidson finds herself its de facto leader.

It is a pushback by the sensible Centre, moderate-minded Scots who reject the SNP’s fixation with independen­ce but recoil from the alternativ­e of a Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn. these voters have no party, crossing as they do divides of Left and Right, urban and rural, struggling and getting-by.

What unites them is frustratio­n with the ceaseless constituti­onal wrangling that has put their country’s future in doubt since the Nationalis­ts won their majority at holyrood in 2011. Middle Scotland, those who live there and those who aspire to, yearn for calm, stability and a government that knuckles down to business.

Ever since the independen­ce referendum, we have heard a great deal about how angry Nationalis­t voters are, how aggrieved they are by the sins of wicked Westminste­r tories, why unionist politician­s must drop their opposition to independen­ce to win them round.

In all this talk about discontent among the 45 per cent, little has been said of the 55 per cent who voted to keep the UK together. these are the Scots whose will is somehow less sovereign for arriving at a conclusion the SNP does not like. they said No to independen­ce and they were ignored. they told pollsters Brexit wasn’t grounds for a second referendum and they were ignored. they begged Nicola Sturgeon to get back to governing and they were ignored. Now they have had enough of being ignored.

MANY of them have chosen as the figurehead of their impromptu movement Ruth Davidson, who may represent Edinburgh’s gentrified suburbs at holyrood but is more semidetach­ed ex-council house in her tastes and demeanour. It is this background, as well as her good humour and tenacity, that has attracted so many who once would not have dreamed of voting tory.

I caught up with her, or at least tried to keep pace, over a soft drink last week. the tory chief lives off the stuff; she downs Diet Cokes like Eric Lock downed Messerschm­itts. Perhaps there is a secret ingredient in the sugarless concoction that gives her so much energy, for she never stops. Since winning the Scottish tories’ top job in 2011, she has campaigned in two referendum­s, two general elections, two local elections, a European election and a holyrood election. you might think she would be flagging by now but if anything she seems more up for the fight than ever.

She is buoyed by her party’s success in May’s local elections, where it gained 164 councillor­s and pushed Labour into third place. this came one year after she defied the received wisdom of the commentari­at and doubled her seat total in the Scottish parliament, becoming leader of the opposition in the process.

No doubt she draws succour from the splenetic rage she inspires in the Nationalis­t establishm­ent, which has spent a decade telling itself and anyone who will listen that conservati­sm and unionism are dead in Scotland.

Little wonder she has become a hate figure for the pro-SNP media, including the National newspaper which splashed her face on yesterday’s front page and accused her of being ‘obsessed’ with independen­ce. It is the highest compliment a unionist can be paid: If the Bute house Bugle is on the attack, it means you’ve got Nicola Sturgeon rattled.

For the tories to be in with a chance of a double-digit seat haul the magic number is 30 per cent. a few percentage points below that and their achievemen­t would be on the order of half a dozen or so pickups; their best tally since 1992, but agonisingl­y short of a bigger win. an Ipsos MORI poll published earlier this week put Ruth Davidson’s party on 25 per cent, neck and neck with Labour among those ‘certain to vote’.

Dig a little deeper into the numbers, though, and you glimpse the battlegrou­nd on which tory fortunes rise or fall. three-quarters of Scots say they have made up their mind and won’t switch before polling day — but one in four could be persuaded to go elsewhere.

Conservati­ve and Nationalis­t supporters are the most committed, 85 per cent and 83 per cent respective­ly have ‘definitely decided’, but 42 per cent of Labour voters and 63 per cent of Lib Dems may change their mind.

Miss Davidson’s task in the dying days of this campaign is to convince enough of these ambivalent electors to take a chance on her.

her pitch to them is straightfo­rward, and captured in two soundbites incanted daily: if you oppose ‘a divisive second referendum on independen­ce’ and want the SNP to ‘get back to the day job’, the tories are the only opposition party strong enough to do it. as she characteri­ses it: ‘you don’t have to be a dyed-in-the-wool tory, you don’t have to say you’re going to vote tory forever more. help me do a job in this election to take the referendum off the table.’

She is appealing to traditiona­l Labour voters, disenchant­ed with their party and its prevaricat­ions on independen­ce and the union. She tells me: ‘I think there are a huge number of them across Scotland who are committed to the UK, who want to make sure we get a good deal as we leave the Eu, who want a commitment

to workers’ rights like the one Theresa May has put in her manifesto, and I would appeal to those Labour voters: if you want to stand up to the SNP, if you want to make sure we keep our country together, if you want to improve Scottish education, look after the workers of this country and let them keep more of their own money in their pockets, and look after our public services, then take another look at the Scottish Conservati­ves because I can do a job for you.’

THIS year’s Tory manifesto marks an audacious incursion into Labour territory. A cap on energy prices, first proposed by Ed Miliband, is now the centrepiec­e of the Tory election offering. There is a pledge to continue taking the lowest paid out of tax, with no one paying revenue on the first £12,500 of earnings by 2020.

At Holyrood, the Tories want to help those feeling the pinch by raising the higher rate threshold to £50,000. Workers’ rights would be shielded from the impact of Brexit and new leave rights for carers and bereaved parents introduced. Ruth Davidson’s MSPs would also push for 100,000 homes to be built in Scotland in the next five years while exempting Scots pensioners from means-testing of the Winter Fuel Payment. As if these were not encroachme­nts enough into Labour territory, it was Miss Davidson who convinced Theresa May to maintain spending of 0.7 per cent of GDP on internatio­nal aid – and Miss Davidson who has ruled out any overturn of the ban on fox-hunting in Scotland.

The Scottish Tory boss recognises Jeremy Corbyn as one of her key assets in this campaign. Many lifelong Labour voters are appalled that such a man is leading their party and cannot bring themselves to cast a vote that could see him become Prime Minister.

Here the tightening national polls are useful to Miss Davidson. They act as a warning to those who oppose Mr Corbyn – whether for his extreme views or because he is soft on independen­ce – that he actually could walk into 10 Downing Street next Friday morning.

Miss Davidson is blunt: ‘To see the narrowing of opinion polls we’ve seen means that, if you don’t want Jeremy Corbyn to become Prime Minister, and there are plenty of Labour voters who don’t, there is no safe vote for Labour in this election. We know Jeremy Corbyn has invited terrorists to tea on the Commons terrace. We know he seems to think, from his speech, that Britain was somehow to blame for the terrorist attack in Manchester. We know that, in a Scottish context, he’s absolutely fine with another independen­ce referendum because he came to Scotland and said so.

‘There is no safe vote for Labour unless you want Jeremy Corbyn to be Prime Minister.’

But no one, not even terrorist-befriendin­g, Trident-surrenderi­ng Mr Corbyn, can recruit first-time Tory voters like Nicola Sturgeon. The SNP leader’s refusal to set aside independen­ce and her decision to turn the Scottish Government into a 24/7 separatist campaign hub has infuriated voters who want her to concentrat­e on their schools and hospitals. Her botched attempt to exploit Brexit to force a second referendum was, for many, the final straw.

Then, something unexpected happened. After ten years of getting its own way, of vanquishin­g foes and stifling debate, of bending civil servants and civic society to its will, of being at once above and beneath the normal rules of political engagement, someone came along and stood up to the SNP.

SHE wasn’t the first person to say No to the Nats but Ruth Davidson was the first to do so conscious that her No was one of two million, that perhaps some of those two million were fed up with being browbeaten and having their referendum vote disregarde­d, that maybe they longed for an opposition politician to neck a few brave pills and take on the Nationalis­ts without apology.

‘Nicola Sturgeon said she was going to put independen­ce at the heart of this and we know she will try her best once the votes have been counted to claim it as momentum for another referendum,’ she contends. ‘Now, we have stopped her before by working together and it’s simply the truth to say that, in so many parts of Scotland, the best bet to stop the SNP is the Conservati­ve Party.’

It’s about more than being anti-independen­ce, though; Miss Davidson takes a particular interest in education reform and she is alarmed at the condition into which Scotland’s schools have fallen under the Nationalis­ts.

‘We’ve failed a generation with our falling school standards. We need to improve that. If we take independen­ce off the table, if we can force Nicola Sturgeon to do what she promised she would do and respect the result of 2014, then we can bring Scotland back together and start improving standards in Scottish schools, improving our public services and improving our infrastruc­ture.’

Scotland has come to a standstill and, worse, we are beginning to slip back. The economy is lagging behind the rest of the UK and while the SNP pins the blame on Brexit, the independen­t Fraser of Allander Institute warns there is a ‘more general slowdown’ afoot north of the Border. In health, promises on A&E waiting times and junior doctors’ working hours have been broken and targets for cancer treatment go unmet.

Nowhere has the SNP’s governance been more socially destructiv­e than in education. Teacher numbers are down 4,000 and college places 150,000; attainment in literacy and numeracy has stalled or gone in reverse. It is now harder for bright but poor youngsters to get to university in Scotland than anywhere else in the UK.

NICOLA Sturgeon’s distance from these problems was exposed in the leaders’ TV debate where a nurse and a teacher in the audience confronted the First Minister with some awkward facts about her Government’s record.

Miss Sturgeon takes a briefing and is always ready with a talking point but it is becoming clear that her position has cut her off from the lives and experience­s of ordinary people in Scotland.

I put this to Miss Davidson and she was tactful: ‘I think it’s very difficult if you’ve not been to the supermarke­t yourself, if you’ve not ridden a bus, if you’ve not been to the gym, if you’ve not used the pub. It’s very difficult.’ Reading between the lines, it’s evident that she sees what so many other politician­s, pundits and politics-watchers see and what, in private and in their own way, they observe: Nicola Sturgeon is out of touch.

And so we reach this unmapped pass. Many of us lament the prospect of a politics of nationalis­m versus unionism – and lamentable is what such a politics is, to say nothing of intellectu­ally barren and regressive – but denial is a substitute, not a remedy.

Identity has been the pivot of Scottish politics for several years now and every attempt, however well-intentione­d, to meet sentiment with reason has failed. Facts are chiels that winna ding but even they get worn down eventually.

Trying to manoeuvre around nationalis­m does not work; it is ever twisting but never for turning. Working within its parameters only vindicates its fetish for flags and its illusions of destiny. Nationalis­m must be confronted and defeated.

The Scottish Tories are making their boldest appeal to middleand working-class Scotland in decades. It is a policy agenda for a country that cares about more than whose face gets to be on the banknotes.

After five solid years of talking about almost nothing other than the constituti­on, here is a chance to get back to what matters. Even those not persuaded by Tory prescripti­ons, who have other cures for our social and economic ills, can see that progress is impossible while nationalis­m flourishes.

Scotland can move forward only by one of two means: conceding defeat to the SNP and voting for independen­ce – or by removing the SNP from power, seat by seat, election by election.

In setting themselves up as opponents of arid constituti­onalism, in daring to suggest that we should take more pride in our schools and hospitals than in hoary myths of exceptiona­lism, the Tories have inadverten­tly become Scotland’s new radical party. A party that wasn’t made for causing trouble is now asking Middle Scotland to join it in a rebellion against a hidebound and out-of-touch establishm­ent.

And what a unique, mildly comic uprising it is. They don’t want to overthrow the Government – they just want it to get back to governing.

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 ??  ?? People’s champion: Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson has given a voice to the silent majority, who have for too long been treated with disdain by Nicola Sturgeon
People’s champion: Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson has given a voice to the silent majority, who have for too long been treated with disdain by Nicola Sturgeon

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