Scottish Daily Mail

Action not platitudes


FOR how much longer will politician­s indulge in platitudes about ‘carrying on as normal’ and preserving our civil liberties rather than accept that with thousands of potential jihadists in our midst drastic action must be taken.

If the Government is forced to conclude that MI5 cannot effectivel­y deal with the scale of the Islamic terrorist threat, then emergency legislatio­n must be enacted to protect the British people.

During World War II, the Government had emergency powers that allowed the Home Secretary to imprison without trial anyone who was considered a threat to the state. The threat posed by fanatical jihadists is considerab­ly greater than that posed by fifth columnists.

PETER HENRICK, Birmingham. INSTEAD of tackling and naming the root cause of the disgusting terrorist attacks carried out in the name of Islam, yet again our politician­s, including London Mayor Sadiq Khan and many so-called liberals, only utter the same ineffectiv­e platitudes of ‘we stand together’.

How many more innocent people will die before our Muslim community and all — and I mean all — our imams and every single mosque preach and teach clearly against this evil form of extreme Islam?

We cannot bury our heads in the sand by refusing to identify the origin of this evil through fear of annoying some people.

We peaceful Muslims must get together and make ourselves heard over the radicals.

MARIAM YUSUF, address supplied.

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