Scottish Daily Mail

Spread the word – marge is better for the heart

- By Ben Spencer Medical Correspond­ent

REPLACING butter and other saturated fat with margarine and vegetable oil cuts the risk of heart disease as much as statins, a report says.

It contradict­s studies suggesting that those who eat lots of saturated fat are no more likely to die early than anyone else.

The new advisory aims to ‘set the record straight’, concluding the evidence ‘overwhelmi­ngly’ backs the theory that cutting saturated fat is better for the heart.

Issued by the American Heart Associatio­n to cardiologi­sts around the world, it said consuming polyunsatu­rated fat in ‘healthy’ spreads and oils could cut the risk of cardiovasc­ular disease by 30 per cent – the same as from taking cholestero­l pills.

Experts at Harvard School of Public Health analysed all available evidence and concluded saturated fat – found in butter, whole milk, cream, and palm oil – was linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

Replacing this with polyunsatu­rated fat – found in spreads and vegetable oils – or monounsatu­rated oils, found in olive oil, avocados and nuts, cuts the risk of heart problems, they said.

Victoria Taylor, of the British Heart Foundation, said: ‘The recommenda­tions are consistent with advice on diet and cardiovasc­ular disease in the UK.’

The study’s lead author Professor Frank Sacks said: ‘We want to set the record straight on why well-conducted scientific research overwhelmi­ngly supports limiting saturated fat in the diet to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

‘Saturated fat increases LDL – bad cholestero­l – a major cause of artery-clogging plaque and cardiovasc­ular disease.’

He added: ‘A healthy diet doesn’t just limit certain unfavourab­le nutrients, such as saturated fats.

‘It should also focus on healthy foods rich in nutrients that can help reduce disease risk, like poly and monounsatu­rated vegetable oils, nuts, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and others.’

However, his team, writing in the journal Circulatio­n, warned some margarines that use ‘trans-fats’, which improve shelf life, actually raise the risk of heart disease.

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