Scottish Daily Mail

Rights — and wrongs


I AM delighted that the Mail has highlighte­d the inequaliti­es and discrepanc­ies around access to

legal aid, with squaddies appearing to do systematic­ally worse than jihadis (mail).

I am appalled to see the reason attributed to ‘human rights’, as if to imply you become something less than right-bearing humans when you sign up for military service.

RICHARD COMAISH, Beckenham, Kent.

THE naivety of our judges never ceases to amaze me. They have ruled it is unlawful to deport foreign nationals who are convicted criminals. how odd that unelected judges are able to overturn a government decision.

This is yet another reason we should drasticall­y change the human rights legislatio­n, to protect ordinary, innocent people as opposed to protecting criminals. GORDON SCOTT, Dunstable, Beds.

JUST days after the atrocity at London Bridge, we learn yet another terrorist is being protected by the human Rights Act and funded by legal aid. What an insult.

JOHN EVANS, Wokingham, Berks.

EX-SUNDERLAND football manager David moyes is fined £30,000 for telling a reporter ‘she might get a slap’.

But so-called clerics can preach hatred and murder and not be touched because of their human rights.

It seems the old saying has been changed to ‘bombs and knives may break my bones, but names will cost you a packet’. RON EDWARDS, Syston, Leics.

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