Scottish Daily Mail

How a strawberry could make you gorgeous!

(and other foodie beauty secrets)

- by Aggie Robertson Pictures: GETTY

SEEKING to boost your summer beauty routine? Look no further than your kitchen cupboard! A clever new book reveals the brilliant — and cheap — beauty treatments you can whip up at home . . .


POPULARISE­D by Japanese and korean women, the sparkling water face wash is a tip many beautician­s swear by. The bubbles in carbonated water help to oxygenate skin while purifying and tightening pores, leaving your face bright and fresh.

pour equal parts sparkling water and still mineral water into a large bowl. You can either dip your face into the water for ten seconds or use as a toner by applying with a cotton pad. For radiant skin, you need to do this only once a week.


UNDER-EYE shadows can be a nuisance, and a dead giveaway that you are over-tired or stressed. To lessen their appearance mix a quarter teaspoon of turmeric with one teaspoon of almond oil — if you don’t have almond oil, olive oil is fine, too.

Apply the mixture to your undereye with a clean make-up brush. This bright spice might stain your clothes, so be very careful when applying it. Leave the mixture on for 20 minutes and then wash away with water. repeat three times a week for the best results and be careful not to get any in your eyes.


BEFORE you even start applying make-up, this simple trick is a perfect way to prime your skin.

Wrap an ice cube in a thin flannel or thick, soft tissue (you don’t want it to stick to your skin), and rub gently over your face, concentrat­ing on areas where your pores are most visible.

The cold ice closes pores and minimises their appearance.


STATIC hair is never a great look, but often, you just can’t seem to smooth it down no matter how hard you try. A surprising­ly effective solution is to take a tumble dryer sheet and press it over your hairbrush, through the bristles.

This will prevent any static building up in your hair. or simply wipe a dryer sheet over your hair after brushing for the same result.


To SAVE yourself time and nail paint, apply distilled white vinegar to your nails with a soft cotton pad before brushing on the polish.

now i know this might sound as though it will just make your hands smell terrible, but trust me, it won’t.

The white vinegar will dry out the nail surface, removing any residue or moisture that might interfere with your base coat. Your perfect manicure’s life has been extended.


USE peppermint essential oil to plump up your lips. put a drop of the oil on your fingertip, dab it onto your lips and leave to absorb for two to three minutes. its strong, clean minty aroma is a pleasant sensation as well. gloss or stick on your lippy for an all-daylong plumper pout.


PUT essential beauty products in the fridge. it will help lipstick, nail polish and perfume last longer. Exposed to humidity, products look and act differentl­y from when you first bought them.

nail polish can go gloopy, lipstick sticky and fragrances can even go off. stash these items in the fridge — yes, putting them next to the pickled onions is fine — and you will enjoy them for longer.


TOMATOES are high in vitamins A, C, E, k and B6, which nourish and enrich the skin while helping to close pores and keep skin clear. The acidity in tomatoes helps reduce and clear up acne — vitamins A and C are also commonly found in many spot treatments sold in shops.

mix together one tablespoon of tomato juice with a few splashes of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the affected areas and leave for five minutes, then wash off.

if you want to turn the mixture into a mask, just add natural yoghurt or honey to soothe and hydrate sore skin.


To Look wide-eyed without using your mascara, apply a small amount of olive oil over your lashes with a cotton wool pad or on a clean mascara wand just before you go to sleep.

olive oil is great for hair as it stimulates growth while making lashes soft and healthy. it really is as simple as that.


STRAWBERRI­ES contain malic acid and vitamin C, which work to remove surface stains caused by wine, tea or coffee, so are perfect for whitening your teeth. mash one to two large strawberri­es to pulp, stir in ½tsp of baking powder and use a toothbrush to apply all over your teeth. Leave to rest for five minutes and then rinse off, flossing away any strawberry seeds. repeat once a week.


ALL out of deodorant? This is a quick fix in times of emergency. keep your limes in the fridge so that they stay cool, then slice one in two. After showering, apply the lime straight onto your underarms. make sure you haven’t recently shaved — ouch!

An alternativ­e is to squeeze the limes and apply the juice with cotton pads. Wait until dry and get on with your day; disaster solved.


SOMETIMES we have better things to do than wash our hair. rather than buy yourself some dry shampoo, here is a simple DIY recipe for the same instant results: You will need: Empty baby powder bottle 5 to 10 drops scented essential oil 2 tbsp arrowroot powder 2 tbsp cornstarch 2 tbsp rice flour If you have brown hair, 2 tbsp cocoa powder

stir the ingredient­s well, then decant them into the bottle. shake the mixture onto your roots and rub in with your hands. Brush to blend and style as you normally would.

n ADAPTED by Claire Coleman from Beauty Hacks: Make-Up Cheats, Skincare tricks And Styling tips by Aggie Robertson (Summersdal­e publishers, £9.99). to order a copy for £7.49 (25 per cent discount) visit mailbooksh­ or call 0844 571 0640, p&p is free on orders over £15. Offer valid until July 10, 2017.

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