Scottish Daily Mail

Girls of 12 ‘sexually harassed’ in school

- By Michael Blackley Scottish Political Editor

SerIOUS concerns about sexual harassment and intimidati­on in schools have been raised by a damning Holyrood inquiry.

The Scottish parliament’s equalities committee found girls as young as 12 had been ‘coerced’ into sexual activity.

It also found that ‘sexual harassment and intimidati­on is being experience­d by children in both primary and secondary school’.

In its inquiry report, published today, MSPs said they were ‘gravely concerned’ at the extent and seriousnes­s of bullying in schools and said there had been a ‘resurgence’ of racist incidents.

The report recommends urgent action, including lessons on ‘consent and healthy relationsh­ips’ from the start of primary school.

During the inquiry, MSPs were given evidence of cases of sexual abuse being ignored by teachers.

They also heard horrifying instances where teaching staff had encouraged assaults on girls and commented on their physical appearance – only for complaints from the pupils to be ignored.

Giving evidence to the committee, Girlguidin­g Scotland youth worker Susie McGuinness said: ‘I sat in a classroom with a guidance teacher who watched as a boy walked around the classroom and undid girls’ bras through their shirts, and I had a teacher who put everybody’s third-year picture up on the board and commented on what the girls looked like. That was quite normal.’

She also told MSPs: ‘A young person in my guides group told me about a teacher who told a boy not to be too scared about hitting a girl because, the teacher said, “She is a bit of a crazy bitch”. That same teacher came in on the first day of school and said to my 13year-old friend, “So, let’s see which of the girls have developed over the summer”. That sort of thing has been reported again and again at my school but the girls’ concerns have been dismissed.’

The committee’s report concluded racism ‘has made a resurgence’, gender-based bullying and harassment ‘appears to be com- monplace’ and bullying of lesbian or gay youngsters ‘is still prevalent’.

It added: ‘Sexual harassment and intimidati­on is being experience­d by children in both primary and secondary school. Gender played a key factor we found, and is disproport­ionately impacting girls and young women.’

Committee convener Christina McKelvie said: ‘Our committee has been listening to the voices of our children and young people, and their advocates. We heard some gut-wrenching and heartbreak­ing stories.’

The committee has made 29 recommenda­tions including a preventati­ve approach to bullying, and more training for teachers.

The Government and councils were urged to ‘ensure consent and healthy relationsh­ips are taught from the beginning of primary school in an age-appropriat­e manner to safeguard children’.

A Scottish Government spokesman said it would ‘carefully consider’ the recommenda­tions.

He added: ‘Bullying of any kind is unacceptab­le. That’s why it is important for all schools and local authoritie­s to have anti-bullying policies in place and it is vital local authoritie­s and teachers challenge any racist, homophobic and abusive behaviour in our schools.’

‘Harassment and intimidati­on’

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