Scottish Daily Mail

Kim ’ s new missile ‘is a threat to the world’

- By Larisa Brown Defence and Security Editor

NORTH Korea’s missile test was a ‘new escalation of the threat to the world’, America said yesterday. The US confirmed that Pyongyang had test-launched its first interconti­nental ballistic missile – a weapon possessed by only a handful of countries.

Yesterday the North Korean ambassador to London, Choe Il, was summoned to the Foreign Office for a dressing-down.

Foreign minister Mark Field said he urged the regime to ‘change course’ and end the illegal pursuit of its weapons programme.

On Tuesday, the missile hit its target 580 miles away in the Sea of Japan after a 39-minute flight. Experts believe it had the range to reach the US state of Alaska.

North Korea said it could carry a large nuclear warhead.

In a show of force, US and South Korean soldiers responded yesterday by firing ‘deep strike’ precision missiles into South Korean territoria­l waters.

The Pentagon stated it was prepared to defend the US and its allies and use all capabiliti­es necessary against the growing threat. Prime Minister Theresa May is to ask the US President to pursue a peaceful solution at a G20 leaders meeting.

After personally overseeing the launch of the Hwasong-14 missile, leader Kim Jong Un taunted the US, saying it was a ‘gift’ to ‘American b ****** s’ on Independen­ce Day.

Breaking into peals of laughter, according to the state-run Korea Central News Agency, he said: ‘We should send them gifts once in a while to help break their boredom,’ and added the missile looked ‘as handsome as a goodlookin­g boy’.

Kim Jong Un said the test completed his country’s strategic weapons capability that includes atomic and hydrogen bombs. He said North Korea would not negotiate over its weapons programme until Washington abandoned its hostile policy against the country.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the test represente­d ‘a new escalation of the threat’ to the US, its allies, and the world and vowed that the White House would take stronger measures to hold the country accountabl­e.

US President Donald Trump criticised China’s ties to the country, tweeting yesterday: ‘Trade between China and North Korea grew almost 40 pct in the first quarter. So much for China working with us – but we had to give it a try!’

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