Scottish Daily Mail



THE American band Green Day are not from around these parts but it is assumed they and their promoters looked up Scotland on Wikipedia before they arrived.

They cannot have been oblivious to the fact it rains quite a lot here – and, in Glasgow, damn near incessantl­y.

To that end, plans for an outdoor gig on Tuesday in the city’s Bellahoust­on Park cannot possibly have failed to factor in the risk of some precipitat­ion. Can they?

And yet, as filthy clouds loomed over head pre-gig, the plug was pulled and 35,000 fans were left disappoint­ed.

‘I’m standing here in my T-shirt,’ said an admittedly damp Ian Craig, 22, from Aberdeen. ‘So much for punk rock.’ Quite. Punk rock, you recall, was that really rather anarchic brand of music which took over from devil-may-care rock ’n’ roll when that became too safe.

At Woodstock in 1969 it bucketed down. Glastonbur­y is practicall­y about the wellies and rivers of mud.

Bellahoust­on? Strictly for fair weather punk rockers. TODAY at the G20 in Hamburg Donald Trump plans to buttonhole Theresa May and grill her about Charlie Gard, the desperatel­y ill baby doctors believe has no hope and should be allowed to die. What does he plan to say? ‘Have a heart, Prime Minister?’ Baby Charlie’s tragic case has nothing to do with politics or politician­s. And it may be a bit late in the day for Mr President to recast himself as Mother Theresa.

 ??  ?? Clouds: Green Day
Clouds: Green Day

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