Scottish Daily Mail

Will Mr Corbyn ever disown the hate mob?


WHEN he was elected to lead his party, Jeremy Corbyn promised he would usher in a ‘kinder, gentler’ politics. How utterly hollow those words ring today.

Take the disturbing case of Labour MP Luciana Berger who – because she is a moderate but also because she is Jewish and a woman – has suffered the most horrific abuse from Mr Corbyn’s hard-Left acolytes.

Like dozens of her female colleagues, she has become a target for misogynist­ic abuse from online trolls. After quitting the party’s front bench in protest at Mr Corbyn’s leadership, she was bombarded with 2,500 hostile Twitter messages in just three days, many calling her a ‘filthy jewish b***h’.

Now, emboldened by the election result, a Corbynite faction has taken over her constituen­cy party in Liverpool and issued a sinister warning that she must ‘get on board’. In other words, declare total allegiance to the Great Leader or be deselected.

Is Mr Corbyn horrified at this Trotskyite­style purge of an MP nursing a three-monthold baby? Far from it. Indeed, in the past week, his henchmen have issued chilling warnings that the party is ‘too broad a church’ and MPs must fall in line or they will ‘find someone else who will’.

Meanwhile, Mr Corbyn still hasn’t condemned, weeks after it was first reported, the anti-Semitic abuse aimed at Tory MP Sheryll Murray.

So today the Mail lays down a challenge to Mr Corbyn. Will he disassocia­te himself from the vile political thuggery that is so damaging to British democracy?

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