Scottish Daily Mail

Preparing for a rate hike

- Hamish McRae

THE American economy is back in solid growth. This is not the result of Trumponomi­cs, though it would be out of character were The Donald not to claim the credit. It is down to the historic resilience of the world’s largest economy, which has been growing for eight years and looks like doing so for a fair while longer.

This is a useful reminder to the heads of government at the G20 meeting in Hamburg as to where power lies.

If the US grows solidly it will pull along the rest of the world with it. If it doesn’t, we are in trouble. Remember the adage that when America sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold?

That happened in 2008/9. The US led the developed world into the last recession, though somewhat to the annoyance of Europeans, it then made the best recovery.

Now, there is some more encouragin­g news. The forward-looking surveys for the US suggest the economy will grow at a rate of around 3pc through the rest of this year. Both manufactur­ing and non-manufactur­ing indices are around two-year highs.

Jobs are still being created, though the rate of job growth may slow down a bit as the economy reaches full employment.

Pull the data together, and the US seems set for another interest rate increase in the autumn. Thus America is leading the world back to more normal monetary conditions.

The yield on its ten-year debt is 2.4pc, low by historical standards but not absurdly so. Ten-year gilts are on 1.3pc, which some of us think is far too low, but not as mad as the 0.6pc yield of a year ago.

And German bunds are just under 0.6pc, whereas they went negative last summer.

The question, a huge one that affects us all, is this: is the world ready for higher interest rates? That’s where the US is heading. The only thing that would stop rates rising would be some financial disaster in the US and we don’t want that, do we? A free deal WHEN Andrew Bailey says something we should listen.

He is head of the Financial Conduct Authority, the so-called City watchdog, and he thinks there should be some sort of transition deal before the full implementa­tion of Brexit so companies don’t have to make hurried decisions about moving operations out of London to Frankfurt or wherever.

‘When I hear people say that firms need to relocate in order to continue to benefit from access to EU financial markets, I start to seriously wonder,’ he said.

‘Does Brexit have to mean abandoning the benefits of free trade and open markets in financial services? It should not.’

The key point here is that if Europe does force banks to relocate business out of the UK it is saying it does not want free trade in financial services.

So it would want to stop European companies from buying financial services – borrowing money, hedging risk, and so on – from the biggest market, which happens to be London, and go to smaller markets on the continent that offer a worse deal. As for forcing banks to move office, that is a bit like us telling Mercedes that it has to set up an assembly plant in the UK if it wants to sell cars to the British market.

Common sense says there will be some sort of transition deal, and I think there has to be.

But I think we have to accept that some business will be forced to relocate, and that Europe will accept the fact that it will disadvanta­ge its companies as a result.

Meanwhile, thanks to Bailey for putting the challenge in such direct language: do you want to abandon the benefits of free trade? If the answer is yes, then that tells us something about Europe that bodes ill for its future. Voluntary tax IF YOU think austerity has gone too far and people should pay more tax to fund higher spending, why not have a voluntary tax?

Then those who want the Government to spend more can contribute towards it.

Nutty idea? Well, Norway has just tried it. Last month it introduced exactly that, a voluntary tax.

Its finance minister Siv Jensen explained: ‘If anyone thinks the tax level is too low, they now have the chance to pay more.’

It has not, however, been a wild success. Extra revenue so far? Just over £1,000.

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