Scottish Daily Mail

Why is Ivanka in the hot seat, demands Miriam?


COMBOVER king Donald Trump’s decision to lend daughter Ivanka his seat next to Theresa May at a G20 session has enraged ex-Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg’s wife, Miriam.

‘Here you have a case of discrimina­tion against men,’ the Spanish lawyer fumes online. ‘If the unelected son of a U.S. President had taken the place of his father at the G20 leaders’ table, there would be, rightly, internatio­nal uproar. If it is his expensivel­y dressed daughter who sits in for him, some media focuses not on how outrageous that is, but on her dress.

‘Shocking to see other leaders, including May and [Germany’s Angela] Merkel, acting as if it was normal that she was sitting there . . .’

I wonder if the poor Lib Dems would have fared better if fiery Miriam had taken Clegg’s place?

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