Scottish Daily Mail

Satellite choice


CYCLING Tour De France, 11am, ITV4 & Eurosport 1

AFTER their time in the mountains, today’s longest stage of the Tour takes riders on a relatively flat 222.5km (138-mile) route from Embrun to Salon de Provence through lavender fields and olive groves.

NEW U.S. DRAMA Ozark, Netflix

JASON BATEMAN usually plays a nice guy on screen — an everyman who sometimes gets pushed too far. This new series, directed and produced by Bateman, pushes that idea into Breaking Bad territory as his character, an unhappy family man, is forced to uproot his equally unhappy wife (Laura Linney) and children after finding himself on the wrong end of a debt. What follows isn’t obvious and is carved out with flair.

FANTASY FLICK Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children, 12.05pm, 8pm, Sky Premiere

TIM BURTON’S typically dark and visually striking young-adult fantasy stars Eva Green (pictured) as the guardian protecting a group of very special children from shadowy forces.

FAIRYTALE ANIMATION Tangled: Before Ever After, 5pm, Disney

CHEERY new TV movie set between Tangled, Disney’s nifty film twist on Rapunzel, and the upcoming TV series. Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi reprise the voices of the princess and the thief turned hero as they make their way towards the altar. (Sky 609, Virgin 724)

T20 CRICKET Surrey v Middlesex, 6pm, Sky Sports Cricket

THIS season could be the last chance to see star batsman Kevin Pietersen playing in this country. He missed this year’s IPL, but signed up with Surrey again for the T20 Blast and will play in England again for the first time in two years.

SINGER’S STORY Nashville, 9pm, Sky Living

HOT on the heels of last week’s scathing reception for her gospel album, Juliette decides that it’s time she took to the stage — for the first time since the crash. Her body clearly isn’t ready for the stress of it all, while her mind, a swirl of anxieties and insecuriti­es, starts making life very hard for everyone around her.

BIG-TIME FRAUD The Wizard Of Lies, 9pm, Sky Atlantic

ROBERT DE NIRO plays the Wall Street fraudster Bernie Madoff with a simmering mix of modesty and arrogance in an HBO drama about the man behind one of the biggest investment scandals in U.S. history. Michelle Pfeiffer (pictured, with De Niro) gives a layered, sympatheti­c performanc­e as his wife.

FILM DRAMA I, Daniel Blake, Amazon Prime

KEN LOACH’S immensely moving drama follows a widowed joiner who, after a heart attack, is denied state support when he is declared unfit to work.

PARTNERS IN CRIME Bonnie And Clyde, 10.15pm, PBS America

BONNIE and Clyde’s childhoods were so dirt-poor they saw crime as a step up. This rich documentar­y explores how the glamorisat­ion of gangsters in Thirties Hollywood was to influence the pair’s romanticis­ed criminal odyssey.

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