Scottish Daily Mail

Help, the gogglebox has got me in its grip!

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A very ancient relative Calls TV her best friend And little kids especially Don’t want their shows to end.

But as for me I rue the day I got so completely hooked. Whatever was I thinking When I gave up all my books?

My day starts with Good Morning Britain Then over to BBC, After which it’s Lorraine Kelly With my morning cup of tea.

I put off going to the shops ’Til I’ve caught up with the news And delay a little longer To start watching Points Of View.

There’s been no time for housework, I still haven’t made a meal, I’ll just have to do it all After watching Andrew Neil.

He’s on the Daily Politics Which airs on channel two,

But then, of course, I must catch up With the latest Doctor Who.

Oh my goodness, it’s half-past six! Where has the whole day flown? I’ll have to get my skates on — The family are soon home.

Although Master Chef’s a must-not-miss

So, too, is Jamie’s Kitchen, ’Cos there’s nothing they can’t do With some veggies and a chicken.

I’ll note down all the recipes, Their food just looks sublime, But cooking takes such ages — When will I get the time?

I find I’m fully occupied With watching this and that; It’s lucky I found a moment To go and feed the cat.

And I need to feed my family They deserve a homecooked meal Full of natural goodness Like roast beef or maybe veal.

I drag myself up off the couch, I really must behave — Thank goodness for the freezer And, of course, the microwave! mrs Janet Byrne, Harrow, middlesex.

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