Scottish Daily Mail

If I had cancer like Ronnie, I wouldn’t have chemo either

- Every week Dr Martin Scurr, a top GP, answers your questions

AT FIRST glance, some might think rolling stone ronnie Wood foolish for saying that he would decline chemothera­py, despite his lung cancer diagnosis.

After all, for many, chemothera­py is a lifeline, a way to ensure the cancer cells that might otherwise prove fatal are firmly, albeit brutally, exterminat­ed. And lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death worldwide.

But i support ronnie’s view. He joked that he didn’t want chemothera­py because it might ruin his hair — as well it might — but there is the risk of more besides.

for while modern forms of chemothera­py have advanced considerab­ly, the sideeffect­s the treatment may cause can be more than merely unpleasant: chemothera­py can be gruelling and, in some instances, destroy any quality of life in those final extra days gained by it.

ten years ago, a friend and close colleague, then 50, developed sudden breathless­ness after a lifetime of smoking. Concerned, i arranged a chest Xray and found that one side of her chest was filled with fluid caused by a tumour. the tumour had already spread within the chest, and surgery was not an option.

After two rounds of chemo, she felt so ill — suffering persistent nausea and vomiting unrelieved by medication as well as profound weakness, all continuing long after the treatment was finished — that she chose to withdraw from further treatment.

FOR her, that was the right decision. it meant she was able to spend her final eight months in the company of those she loved and, for much of that time, though increasing­ly frail, she was able to live a little.

in a story that almost exactly paralleled hers, another close friend was found to have colon cancer, but withdrew from chemothera­py after only one session. His cancer was not operable, as the tumour had spread to his liver and lungs.

Again, i was supportive of his decision to avoid further treatment because he was unable to tolerate the chemothera­py.

He lived for several more months in relative peace, sustained by palliative care.

if i were diagnosed with advanced, lifethreat­ening cancer, i’d rather stock up on gin and have a jolly good time than have chemothera­py because it might give me a little bit longer.

of course, this is not to say that chemothera­py is a bad thing. i have many patients who would not be here today without it.

But it matters where you are in your life, the type of cancer you have and the stage it’s reached when it’s diagnosed. As always with medicine, it’s about weighing up the risks and the benefits in

your case. the same applies to cardiopulm­onary resuscitat­ion (CPR). too often, i hear of patients who are plainly at the end of their lives, after a long decline with a terminal illness or a combinatio­n of untreatabl­e disorders, being subject to vigorous attempts at resuscitat­ion, which fail, when the right thing to do is accept that nature has taken its course.

i was once called to see a lady who was just over 90 years old, who had died in her chair with a glass of her favourite tincture on the arm. Her family were determined that i should attempt resuscitat­ion, which was quite inappropri­ate. Eventually, i was able to calm them down.

But the insistence today is that everything must be tried or seen to be tried, and it takes strength,

Back in action: Ronnie Wood with his twins, Alice and Gracie

experience and forbearanc­e to say ‘no’. ronnie Wood was in a unique position because his tumour was detected as part of a checkup. the implicatio­n is that his tumour was diagnosed early and hadn’t spread. He has undergone what appears to be successful surgery.

Although it must have been a shock when he was diagnosed, the fact that cancer hadn’t spread and surgeons agreed to go ahead with surgery alone, without chemothera­py afterwards, suggests the promise of cure.

NO CASE is the same. Most patients deal with the toxicity of chemothera­py; some will want to ‘give it a go’ even if the outlook isn’t promising.

Many of my patients have been determined to fight whatever the cost, and the advances in chemothera­py are such that the sideeffect­s can be controlled, even minimised, while many forms not only improve survival considerab­ly, but can be curative.

the message is: when it come to chemothera­py for cancer, treatment must be individual­ised and the patient must make their own decisions based on the best informatio­n.

We are all different, we all have different priorities and, given what we know, i feel that ronnie Wood has made the best decision for him.


TO CONTACT Dr Scurr with a health query, write to him at Good Health, Scottish Daily Mail, 20 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6DB or email — including contact details. Dr Scurr cannot enter into personal correspond­ence. His replies cannot apply to individual cases and should be taken in a general context. Always consult your own GP with any health worries.

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