Scottish Daily Mail

I was nervous to meet him as I’m so much older


EVery week, we send a couple out for dinner and ask them to report back on their blind date. This week, Victoria Caddick and Paul Gough tell us about their visit to The Corner House in Cardiff.

Victoria, 47, is divorced with three teenagers and runs her own business as an administra­tor. She lives in Llandeilo, Carmarthen­shire.

Paul is 41, from Bristol, has two daughters aged nine and 11, and is a self-employed mortgage advisor.


THey say there’s someone for everyone, but at 47 and with no real relationsh­ip for nearly five years, I am beginning to wonder.

I moved from Cardiff to a small village two years ago for the rural life, but there appear to be no available men my age around — or no one brave enough to ask me on a date!

I’m not a fan of internet dating after a disastrous experience. I found out he wasn’t the most honest of men, so ended it and haven’t looked around since then.

I haven’t been that focused on dating to be honest, but now that my three kids are growing up, I think it’s time.

I’m a realist but do have a romantic side, and a great sense of humour, so need someone exciting who makes me laugh.

My 18-year-old son, who is off to university in September, told me to get back out there. So with trepidatio­n and a deep breath I walked into the restaurant to find Paul was already there.

Our eyes literally met across a crowded room, and after hugs and introducti­ons we began to chat.

I had been nervous about his reaction to my age as I’m older than him, but it didn’t seem to be an issue at all.

I knew quickly Paul wasn’t really my type, although I was more than happy to give it a chance. He is such a lovely man, and we chatted and laughed the night away... but for me there was no romantic chemistry.

The restaurant was gorgeous, however, and the food was amazing — I had duck parfait to start, followed by a steak and then a chocolate bombe. Our waiter was great and we had a good laugh. In fact it was a perfect evening, except for the lack of frisson.

Paul and I talked about our children, his travels, our jobs and I think I convinced him to try glamping — posh camping — as he’s not an outdoorsy person.

He is obviously a really strong family man and thinks the world of his daughters, which was lovely. Paul is a gentleman with a slightly shy side to him which is also endearing.

I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. We had chemistry as friends, but nothing else.

Our date has really given me some confidence after my past dating disasters.

Paul will make someone a wonderful partner, but not me. I think our personalit­ies are just too different.

As the film director Baz Luhrmann once said: ‘Do something everyday that scares you’. Well I did just that and have no regrets. Getting the old heart fluttering and butterflie­s in your tummy again makes you feel alive and reminds you there is still hope of falling in love again...just not this time. LIKED: He is polite, we laughed and have similar values. REGRETS? None. COFFEE OR CAB? Cab. VERDICT: 8/10


WHeN Victoria walked in I was impressed. She is smiley and chirpy and gave off a really good aura, and I thought we got on really well.

We just started chatting and I think we had a chemistry — we certainly laughed a lot — but I’m not sure if it is just friendship or something more.

Victoria is very bubbly and warm and she came across as interested. In fact I felt I was talking more than she did, as she is very easy to get along with.

My life is very busy with work, fitness and my kids who I have every Saturday night through to Monday morning.

I work hard and enjoy my own company but do want to find a long-term partner to share my life with.

Those who don’t know me too well would probably say I’m an introvert, which is probably a fair assumption. Because I am a bit shy, loud and overpoweri­ng girls would put me off.

But then one-on-one I consider myself very caring, and I like to

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