Scottish Daily Mail

Blind DOUBLE date

One a a catastroph­e!


Billy, 53, says:

THIS week sees our first blind double date. We sent best pals Mia Las and Saroj Reucci, both from Enfield, to Shaka Zulu in London’s Camden Town to meet Billy McGranagan from Kensington and Mark Burgess, who lives in Watford.

Saroj, 47, is a secondary school maths teacher, and after several serious relationsh­ips has been single for more than a year. Her date for the night, Billy, 53, runs his charity, DadsHouse, having been a single dad for 28 years.

Mia, 54, is divorced with a son at university, and runs her own fashion agency. Mark, also 54, is a personal trainer and chef. He has a 29-year-old son and a daughter, 11.

Saroj, 47, says:

I WAS set up on a blind date to go to a wedding once, and ended up going out with him for two years, so I was looking forward to this.

On a date, I always look at a man’s eyes. If he can’t look you in the eyes I’m not interested.

I’m social and like keeping fit. I always wear heels, meaning I like a taller man — so was thrilled when Billy walked in, tall, friendly and handsome!

At first the four of us talked about sport and jobs but I wasn’t able to really talk to Billy because of the way we were seated. So I suggested we move to sit with our dates — I really wanted to get to know Billy. From then on we just chatted and laughed.

He’s a fun and interestin­g guy and I had such a good evening. There was a real spark between us and I ended up with butterflie­s in my tummy! There was lots of flirting, too.

Billy is such a gentlemen, very friendly and sincere. It felt like a breath of fresh air to finally meet someone who is real, genuine, as well as fun to be with.

I tried meeting people online on Tinder for a while but it was all about messaging — people just weren’t interested in meeting up. And on more commitment­focused dating websites you end up sending long essays to each other, and when you do finally meet they’re so different to the picture they put up!

But getting to know someone on a blind date was much easier. Early on everyone gave out their cards, so we had already exchanged numbers.

Mark left early, but Billy, Mia and I stayed on and had lovely desserts. Unfortunat­ely it was soon time to go, and we all walked out together.

Mia went and got hold of a cab, so Billy and I had a moment and we had a lovely hug and a kiss — a perfect end to the evening.

I felt so uplifted afterwards. I would really like to see Billy again, and we’ve been texting already. When I return from holiday we’re going to meet up for a drink! LIKED: He is charming, funny and intelligen­t with a good heart. REGRETS? None. COFFEE OR CAB? Coffee. VERDICT: 10/10 I’VE raised my son on my own since he was one, so I set up a charity for men in a similar situation. I also help with housing for homeless dads, a scheme I’m really proud of as it’s the first of its kind in Europe. I’ve never married, as it was hard to date as a single parent. It would be great to meet someone who does not take herself too seriously and who is happy with herself — I want a real person who can enjoy life.

I’ve never even done online dating, and now I’m too old for that and can’t be bothered. So I was surprised that this date was a lot better than I expected.

They were all sitting together when I arrived, and I thought Saroj was really attractive.

The girls were great fun and everyone had a smile on their face. No one stopped talking actually!

At first, Saroj was seated next to Mark. But after about 20 minutes of group talk, she suggested we swap and sit together and from that moment we just got on like a house on fire. We were yakking all night and trying each other’s food. She has this little smile, which made her even more attractive.

We were the last to leave the restaurant, and talked about everything from housing to London life, hobbies and the fact that she goes boxing. We laughed a lot.

There was definitely chemistry there, with lots of flirting.

We walked over the bridge for a cab but then had to go our separate ways, and it just happened. We had a kiss, a good kiss, and it was lovely. I haven’t done that for such a long time — it just felt great. Saroj texted me the next morning and I really would love to see her again soon.

We got on brilliantl­y and she is definitely the kind of person you would want in your life. LIKED: She was funny, beautiful, intelligen­t, and a wee bit sexy. REGRETS? None. COFFEE OR CAB? Coffee. VERDICT: 10/10

Mia, 54, says:

SINCE my divorce 12 years ago, I’ve dated on and off but have been single for two years.

I’m really into keeping fit, and love the energy and social life at my local gym. In fact, that’s where I met Saroj. We live close by, do many of the same classes and have become great friends.

As we’re both single, we’ve ended up going out together, too. We once did a speed date together, and a dinner date. Luckily we’ve never fancied the same men!

I had no expectatio­ns about the blind date, and was determined to enjoy it, whatever. But I was excited and spent a long time getting ready. So when Mark arrived I was glad he seemed very bubbly, chatty and well dressed. When Billy arrived, we all talked easily.

Then Mark dropped the bombshell which ruined the rest of the night for me. He told us he’d just been in a bar where he had met a fantastic girl, exchanged numbers, then had a snog. We all looked at him, and the conversati­on stopped. If I’d been on my own I’d have got up and left.

He didn’t make me feel good, as he kept checking the time and left abruptly at 11pm.

Thank goodness Billy was there. He looked after us, and we had a

I was thrilled when Billy walked in — tall, friendly and good looking! SAROJ

We had a kiss and it was lovely. I haven’t done that for such a long time, and it just felt great. BILLY

I’d popped into a bar before the date and ended up snogging a girl. That didn’t go down well MARK

I just kept wondering why Mark had even bothered to come – I felt really embarrasse­d MIA

good night. I just kept wondering why Mark had even bothered to come. I felt really embarrasse­d. Billy was a gentleman, and I’d like to stay friends with him.

It was as if, out of our two dates, one had everything that is right in a man and the other had everything that is wrong.

At the start of the night, Mark just dominated the conversati­on but never once compliment­ed me or tried to make me feel good. It hasn’t put me off dating — but you live and learn.

The only good thing about it was that my friend Saroj met Billy. They got on like a house on fire, and I am so happy for her.

I went off to find our cab to give them some space so they could have a moment together. It was really funny sitting in the taxi afterwards — she was so happy and I was so disappoint­ed! But I did manage to laugh about it.

LIKED: I enjoyed being with my friend, who turned out to be my wingwoman on the night.

REGRETS? None, it is a story I will tell over and over again and can laugh about! COFFEE OR CAB? Definitely a cab! VERDICT: 7/10 [For the delightful chivalry of Billy, who saved the night.]

Mark, 54, says:

I’VE never been on a double date before, and would definitely do it again. The girls were lovely and so easy to get on with. The doubledate dynamic was great as it took the pressure off, and there was twice as much to talk about.

But I had to leave early to get up for work, which was annoying as I would have stayed.

Mia is lovely and very attractive, but not my type. This is awful to say but she’s too nice for me! I’m attracted to a bit of danger, and so although she was great to talk to, there was no spark.

I’m not much of a drinker — I’m completely rubbish at it, but I do love dancing. Finding someone to go out with would be amazing. I’d love to meet a like-minded, active person who looks after herself.

In fact, I’d popped into a bar before the date and ended up talking to a girl there. We hit it off and ended up exchanging numbers and having a snog. I’ve nothing to hide, so at dinner I told everyone this had happened, but I don’t think it went down too well.

The food was lovely but because we were chatting so much, we didn’t get our starters until gone 10pm. The conversati­on got a bit harder as Billy and Saroj drifted off together. I chatted away, but we have quite different social lives and I could tell Mia didn’t get many of the things I was talking about. That said, I would go out with Mia again socially, but at this stage there is no chemistry.

I didn’t see a wild side, which I really like. The double date set-up is a winner though, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. LIKED: Very easy to get on with and a great conversati­onalist. REGRETS? None. I loved it. COFFEE OR CAB? Coffee. VERDICT: 7/10

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