Scottish Daily Mail

The Dastardly Mr Deedes

- Have you any gossip for our City diary? Email:

Oxford United football club owner Darryl Eales could find himself in front of the public accounts committee over adult training provider Learndirec­t, said to be on the brink of collapse. Eales was chief executive of Lloyds Developmen­t Capital, which purchased Learndirec­t from the Government for £36m in 2011. A Financial Times investigat­ion reveals the company spent 84pc of its mostly taxpayer-provided income on payments to managers and financiers. City greybeards may recall that the last Oxford United owner to appear on the front page of the Financial Times was disgraced media tycoon, Cap’n Bob Maxwell. Male staff at City law firm Travers Smith have been informed they are no longer compelled to wear ties around the office, except when meeting clients. The firm says, somewhat portentous­ly, that this minor relaxation of dress code comes after associates ‘consulted with groups across the firm’. Always about due process with lawyers, isn’t it? City spinners Finsbury are on the move. Roland Rudd’s firm is vacating its shabby HQ in Moorgate and heading to The Adelphi, a grade II art deco building in London’s Strand. There’s an old adage around the City that one should be wary of any firm shifting to lavish headquarte­rs, as such moves often presage disaster. But in Finsbury’s case I feel sure it’s not applicable. Frankfurt’s bid to woo bankers from London after Brexit isn’t going down well with the bijou city’s long-serving residents, who are worried about a shortage in housing. Frankfurt property prices have leapt 12pc in the past year. Deutsche Bank estimate them to jolt another 4pc upwards should there be an inflow of 5,000 bankers, putting home ownership beyond the reach of the native middle classes. Remind you of anywhere? The Treasury is populated with heavy smokers, according to GQ magazine. Odd, considerin­g civil servants’ fondness for raising the price of tobacco each year. Apparently, former chancellor George Osborne enjoyed puffing on effete-looking menthol slims, known as ‘tart’s tabs’ among boisterous chuffers.

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