Scottish Daily Mail


NatWest thinks so — and that's why it’s sending staff like Aby to visit elderly customers in across rural areas Britain

- By Victoria Bischoff

WHEN Colin Hancock opens his front door to greet Aby Evans, anyone would think they were old friends.

‘Would you like a cup of tea?’ he asks with a big smile, as he ushers her through to the conservato­ry where he and his wife, Hazel, have been sitting in comfy chairs.

In fact, Aby works for NatWest and this is an appointmen­t to sort out some important paperwork to do with Hazel’s bank account.

In the past, the couple would have visited their local branch in Broadstair­s, Kent, for this sort of meeting. But it closed in June, and Hazel, now 91, struggles to leave the house. So, rather than forcing the Hancocks to travel miles to an unfamiliar branch, NatWest arranged for Aby to make a home visit instead. This is a brand-new service from the bank, designed to help elderly and vulnerable customers affected by branch closures.

The Mail recently revealed banks are shutting ten High Street branches every week — with 550 set to go this year alone. Many are in rural areas, where the next nearest is a long drive away.

Banks argue that as more and more customers bank online, they don’t need so many branches, which are expensive to run.

But many of the customers affected do not feel comfortabl­e using the internet — particular­ly with the rise of cyber crime and online scams — and want the reassuranc­e that comes with talking to staff face-to-face.

By the end of the year, NatWest will have 55 so-called community bankers visiting homes nationwide.

They will operate mostly in rural areas and communitie­s where the population is older than the average, and will meet customers to find out what they need help with.

Aby is in charge of NatWest’s Kent Coast area, which includes Whitstable and Margate. The latter is just down the road from the Hancocks’ home.

Dressed in a smart black and purple uniform, Aby looks entirely at home in Colin and Hazel’s conservato­ry. The couple explain that Hazel has received a letter, asking her to fill in forms relating to an account she set up in Jersey, where their daughter, Lynne, lives.

The bank needed to update her details — but the paperwork was complicate­d and they wanted someone to talk them through it.

When Colin visited the Margate branch and explained, staff referred him to Aby. Within a week, she had visited the Hancocks twice, the paperwork was sorted — and they now have her mobile phone number in case they need help in future.

Colin, 86, who used to work in the insurance industry, says: ‘It was tedious when the branch in Broadstair­s closed. We’d visit a couple of times a month to bank cheques or ask questions.

‘We’re old wrinklies who aren’t in the digital age, and we felt like we’d lost communicat­ion with people after it went.

‘But the service we’ve received at home has been outstandin­g. We were in a pickle and Aby was wizard at explaining everything and calming us down.’

Hazel adds: ‘I’ve been with NatWest for 50 years and this is the first time you feel anything is being done for you. Long may it continue.’

So, is this the answer to Britain’s ceaseless wave of branch closures?

Since 2011, Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, Royal Bank of Scotland and Santander — the ‘big five’ — have shut 2,809 branches. And that’s before the 550 are axed this year.

Each firm is deploying a different strategy to cater for the millions of customers affected. Lloyds, for example, is turning some of its branches into tiny meeting rooms where customers serve themselves using machines, while others will become giant city centre hubs with coffee shops.

Nationwide, by contrast, is opening branches in areas left bereft. For example, in April it launched one in Glastonbur­y, Somerset, which had been abandoned by other banks.

But NatWest’s parent company RBS clearly has different ideas. The Mail reported last week that when it shuts a branch, but keeps an outside cash machine open, it includes a clause in the sale document forbidding another bank or building society from opening there. As many as 139 of the 695 RBS and NatWest branches to close in the past five years may have been affected in this way.

Its community bankers are by no means a perfect replacemen­t. You can’t pay in cheques and they don’t carry any cash or customer details.

They are also not allowed to sell products. This protects vulnerable customers from being flogged anything they don’t need, but means you can’t set up a mortgage or open a savings account. All the community banker can do is guide you through doing this online, or explain how to do it by phone or post.

And not everyone will be offered home visits. These are typically reserved for the most vulnerable customers. Aby, for example, does about three or four trips a week.

Residents who can get around more easily can go to drop-in clinics in the local town or village. Aby runs two of these — one in Whitstable Library on Tuesdays, 1pm to 5pm,

The and anotheron Fridays, clinics 10amin are Broadstair­s advertised­to 2pm. Library in local papers and on the bank’s social media accounts. Aby also leaves flyers in Post Offices and shops. guide community banker’s role is to e people to the right place and ain what to do, rather than e all problems there and then. y carry iPads to show customers to set up online accounts and can arrange for them to speak to advisers via video link or phone. For customers who need to pay in money, RBS and NatWest have introduced mobile branches. Money Mail visited one in Barnham, West Sussex, in March last year. A NatWest van visits the village twice-weekly (on Mondays from 10am to 11.30am and Thursdays from 10am to 12pm), which may suit pensioners, but not those who work during these hours.

Most customers welcomed the service, but were concerned about the lack of privacy. The van also couldn’t get to some areas in strong winds and could not process chip and PIN card payments.

An alternativ­e is the Post Office, which now allows customers of big banks to withdraw cash, pay in cheques and check their balances.

Aby, 28, who grew up in Margate and managed the Broadstair­s branch before its closure, says: ‘People are always sad when their bank branch closes, but customers are grateful we are doing something to prepare them, rather than just leaving them to it. ‘Everyone recognises my purple fleece now and will come over to say “hello” or ask a question. ‘Often, it may just be telling people when the Post Offices are less busy, so they don’t have to queue or feel rushed. Some are interested in learning how online banking works, while others don’t want to use the internet at all, so I will find another way to help them.’ Aby also runs community events, talking to school children about finances and warning the elderly about scams. I join her at an Age UK centre, where about 20 people sit in a circle. Many are in their 80s and 90s and live alone. On a table, Aby has laid out leaflets with tips on how to protect yourself against scams. There is also a pile of payingin envelopes. ‘People laugh at me because I have to carry a suitcase of this stuff,’ she says. ‘But everyone always asks for the envelopes. They like to take some to keep at home, so that if they need to pay in money, they can fill them out with their details before dropping them at the Post Office. ‘That means they don’t worry about making mistakes because they feel rushed or under pressure.’ Armed with a tin of biscuits, Aby makes her way around the room to ensure everyone knows what to do if they get a call from a stranger. She checks they know not to share personal informatio­n and encourages them to tell the bank if they accidental­ly do give out their PIN or password. It’s tough to get the balance right of talking simply, but without being patronisin­g to those who’ve heard about the alarming rise in digital fraud. Figures show nearly 500 cases of stolen identity are being reported every day, while some banks are fobbing off customers who lose cash after being tricked by con artists.

Whether or not Aby’s message is getting through, everyone seems to love her. Former Navy officer Eddie Teague, 85, has even promised to write her a poem.

To ensure she stays safe when calling at people’s homes, Aby always carries a personal alarm and makes sure the bank knows where she is — though she says she has never had a problem.

NatWest is thought to be the first major bank to set up a dedicated service where customers are offered home visits and drop-in clinics by specially trained staff. Santander says that its branch employees can see vulnerable customers at home, such as those with registered sight or mobility problems.

They will also walk customers to their local Post Office to show them how to use it for banking. In addition, they can tell them about bus or train routes to branches. Barclays says it also offers home visits for customers who are housebound due to disability or age.

But there is no dedicated member of staff to do this. It is down to the nearest branch to organise.

HSBC says branch staff very occasional­ly carry out home visits or accompany customers to a local Post Office. But, again, this isn’t a recognised service.

Lloyds and TSB do not offer home visits, although a TSB spokeswoma­n says staff sometimes walk people to the nearest Post Office.

Lloyds and Bank of Scotland also offer customers in some rural areas access to one of their mobile branches.

By the end of the year, there will be 16 Lloyds Bank mobile branches in England and Wales, plus another 12 in Scotland. Together, they will serve 173 different locations, making 270 stops every week.

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 ??  ?? Personal banking: NatWest community banker Aby Evans (left) visits Colin and Hazel Hancock at their home (above) Pictures: GEORGIE GILLARD
Personal banking: NatWest community banker Aby Evans (left) visits Colin and Hazel Hancock at their home (above) Pictures: GEORGIE GILLARD

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