Scottish Daily Mail



My experience of the eclipse last week didn’t quite go to plan. As the world gazed at the ring of fire, i was staring in the other direction, at a different blackness, dealing with a virulent tummy bug! i thought i’d miss the spectacula­r cosmic event, but at the crucial moment, my fellow star-gazers rallied around me. risking life and lunch, they brought me outside to view the totality. As incredible a sight as it was, it was their compassion that touched me the most. ARIES LIGHT bulb moments Mar 21 — Apr 20 are usually confined to cartoons and science books. So when they happen, they can knock us for six. The cartoonist­s get it right! Realisatio­n shoots through us like lightning, illuminati­ng the path ahead. It’s like a parting of the seas of confusion. A realm of possibilit­ies opens up, and something that was unachievab­le becomes possible. I’m here today to prepare you for a moment like this. When the moment dawns, it will be so bright you might need to wear shades! Make this week special. To discover some priceless informatio­n that can create the change you really need, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS YOU have sole Apr 21 — May 21 responsibi­lity for your emotions, and I know that you know this deep down, but I’m reminding you. Why? Because it can be difficult to remember who’s in control when we’re not feeling our best. And it seems that you’ve forgotten, if just a little, that ultimately you hold the keys. So if you find yourself in need of a little bravery or daring, you know where to look. You already have plenty of it. All you need to do is make a little extra effort. Then you can turn this situation to your advantage. Your in-depth week- ahead forecast lasts four minutes. It could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI YOUR ruler, May 22 — June 22 Mercury, turns direct again next week. Until then it continues to seem to move backwards in the sky. Tomorrow it revisits the sign it left last month. There’s a conversati­on that’s been haunting you ever since. Something was left unsaid or an idea wasn’t fully realised. It’s been rattling around in your subconscio­us like a noisy ghost in an old mansion. Don’t worry, there’s no need for a ghostbuste­r! You know how to lay these issues to rest. Then you can have peace. Make this week special. To discover some priceless informatio­n that can create the change you really need, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER THE concept of June 23 — July 23 the apocalypse has fascinated and terrified us since the world began. You might remember the furore in 2011 as the New Year approached. The Mayans had prophesied that the world would end in 2012 and a panic ensued — except it didn’t happen. Not that we should be overly surprised. By many estimation­s, the

apocalypse should have happened hundreds, even thousands, of years ago! Perhaps it won’t come after all. Neither will the disaster

you currently fear. Your in-depth weekahead forecast lasts four minutes. It could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO CARL SAGAN was an July 24 — Aug 23 astronomer, cosmologis­t and astrophysi­cist who dedicated his life to studying the stars. He was also a terrific wordsmith: ‘We are like butterflie­s who flutter for a day and think it is for ever.’ Could one reason that life on planet Earth is so brilliant be because it’s so short? There’s no point worrying about tomorrow or clinging to fleeting moments of greatness. There will be more. The most important news I can give you is this: today has the makings of an excellent day. Make this week special. To discover some priceless informatio­n that can create the change you really need, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO WHEN my son was a Aug 24 — Sep 23 baby and we stayed with family, my wife would pack the contents of the house. The travel-cot, the nest he required for a nap, two monitors (one for our bedroom, one for the living room), black-out blinds, nappies, clothes, toys, bottles, and much more. It meant that soon after we’d arrived, I’d disappear for half a day just to unload the car. Mercury reverses out of Virgo tomorrow. But it’ll soon be back, and you’ll start feeling much more settled and ready to move on. Your in-depth week- ahead forecast lasts four minutes. It could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA SOME disputes never Sep 24 — Oct 23 really leave the playground. The gang culture that blights our cities is really nothing more than an escalation of childish schoolyard scraps Only now it involves knives and guns, and a twisted sense of honour, loyalty and duty. It’s a dangerousl­y simplistic world view, with no room for reason or nuance. Now you have the option to adopt a similarly juvenile approach — or open your mind to other possibilit­ies and tackle the situation you’re facing, like a proper grown-up. Make this week special. To discover some priceless informatio­n that can create the change you really need, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO A GIFT-WRAPPED Oct 24 — Nov 22 opportunit­y is yours for the taking! It’s everything you’ve dreamed of. So why does something feel wrong? Are you so used to having to work hard for things that you distrust anything that seems too good to be true? Or is your intuition picking up on something a little more valid? ‘Never look a gift horse in the mouth,’ they say. Perhaps you’re right to probe a little bit deeper today. Closer scrutiny won’t hurt if everything’s as it should be. If not, you’ve dodged a bullet. Your in-depth week- ahead forecast lasts four minutes. It could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S SHOULD Nov 23 — Dec 21 anything ever be considered impossible? ‘Well, obviously,’ some would say. After all, it’s impossible for humans to live underwater or to fly. And they’re right. But how many of today’s inventions would our ancestors have believed impossible? Today’s impossible is tomorrow’s possible, and that doesn’t just apply to big things. A slight change of approach can turn a disaster into an opportunit­y. Your world is full of possible impossibil­ities if you only see them as such. Make this week special. To discover some priceless informatio­n that can create the change you really need, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN LIKE a cat, Dec 22 — Jan 20 you always land on your feet. You have a natural ability to devise a plan for every event, and you’re careful not to get caught off guard. Thanks to your preparedne­ss, you’re rarely thrown off balance either. But doesn’t all this hard work tire you out? You’ll be relieved to know that it’s time for a change of pace. The cosmos presents you with an opportunit­y. For once you can put your feet up. Go with the flow, it’s smooth sailing from here on. The universe will take care of the rest. Your in-depth weekahead forecast lasts four minutes. It could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS HOW often do Jan 21 — Feb 19 we tell ourselves ‘No pain, no gain’? Whether nursing pulled muscles after the latest gym session or suffering emotional fallout from a difficult situation, we justify pain by convincing ourselves it means that things are getting better. But what kind of logic is that? Surely a sado-masochisti­c streak is no solution. By all means look for a higher meaning in difficult events, but remember that seeking to make a change isn’t a failure — it might just be the sensible option. Make this week special. To discover some priceless informatio­n that can create the change you really need, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES PEOPLE can drive Feb 20 — Mar 20 you crazy. Sometimes however hard you try to please them, they insist on staying unhappy. Or they’re hyper-critical of your best efforts. Or they’re deliberate­ly contrary. Does any of this ring a bell? Someone in your life is causing you irritation, but are they really behaving any more wilfully than on occasion you can be? Just asking. Perhaps, before you go wagging your finger, you could take a look in the mirror. You might just realise who this person reminds you of . . . Your in-depth week- ahead forecast lasts four minutes. It could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 0906 751 5612.

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