Scottish Daily Mail


- Do you look good for your age? Reveal your secrets to inspire@ FLORENCE SCORDOULIS

LESLEY LYLE lives in the New Forest with her partner, Iain. she has three children and four grandchild­ren. After a 40-year career as an air hostess, she has retrained to be a psychologi­st.


I USED to love tanning. However, this all changed after a chance encounter in First Class, 15 years ago. A French dermatolog­ist confessed that his job was repairing sun-damaged skin — if we didn’t sunbathe, he’d be out of work! Since then, I stay out the sun and apply Clinique SPF 40 Face Cream (£18, daily. n lookfantas­


THE right parting can really freshen up a look. However, you must find something that works for you — your face shape, natural parting and hair type. Ask a good hairdresse­r: I’d tried middle, side and a fringe, then changed salons five years ago and finally found that a slightly off-centre parting best flatters my round face.


EVERY time I buy a new outfit, I buy a scarf to go with it. In the past decade, I’ve built a collection of 50: my favourite is a bright paisley silk one from Liberty — it cost £150, but I’d much rather spend money on expensive scarves than jewellery. They make a real statement and are useful for covering the neck — which is such a giveaway of age.


STRESS is very ageing: I find laughter classes a great way to build resilience. Laughing helps lower anxiety-causing cortisol levels, while releasing feelgood endorphins. The class helps you practise laughing for no reason: a strategy which can help you better handle difficult real-life situations. For example, if I’m stuck in a traffic jam, I always choose to laugh!


LEARNING keeps me young: I can’t imagine ever fully retiring — my mum was still working at 80. So when I had to stop flying, I re-created the same fulfilment in multiple jobs. As I went part-time, I studied for a masters and graduated at 59. I now lecture, practise hypnothera­py and have even written a book.

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