Scottish Daily Mail

Satellite choice


NEW MOVIE Wonder Woman, BT TV Store, Sky Store, Virgin

ABOVE-AVERAGE superhero adventure that follows the Amazon princess (Gal Gadot) into the trenches of World War II and beyond, with Chris Pine’s spy in tow. It’s a keen, thoughtful mix of humour and action.

FILM COMEDY Florence Foster Jenkins, 12.40pm, 8pm, Sky Drama

ENJOYABLE comedy, starring Meryl Streep as the tuneless American socialite who croaked her way to notoriety. Hugh Grant co-stars as her husband.

WORLD CUP QUALIFIER Wales v Republic of Ireland, 7pm, Sky Football & Main Event

THIS World Cup qualifier has to be better than the sides’ 0-0 in May in Dublin. A yellow card for Gareth Bale left him facing a suspension, while Seamus Coleman was taken off with a broken leg.

SPECIAL PERFORMER Mario Lanza: The Best Of Everything, 8pm, Sky Arts

‘THE voice owns me, I don’t own the voice.’ That’s how the singer Mario Lanza described what he saw as a God-given talent to his daughter, Ellisa Lanza Bregman. She’s among the contributo­rs to a fine new profile that also delves into his partying lifestyle.

ART & POLITICS Tunes For Tyrants: Music & Power With Suzy Klein, 9pm, BBC4

THE epic strains of Wagner served as the soundtrack to the rallies of the Nazis, who were lent a veneer of respectabi­lity by their adoption of classical music. In part two of her excellent series, this leads Suzy Klein to realise that a love of classical tells you nothing about a person’s character.

THEY’RE BACK! Made In Chelsea, 9pm, E4

THE 14th series of this still very watchable reality show picks up in the aftermath of Ibiza. McVitie’s heir Jamie — who, at 28, now carries himself like an elder statesman among the younger members of the cast — organises a singles party to help him to move on from Frankie. Meanwhile, wily Mimi is stirring things up online.

DETECTORIS­T SUCCESS World War II Treasure Hunters, 9pm, History

IN A new series, Suggs (pictured) and detectoris­t Stephen Taylor are looking for a Junkers 88 bomber that crashed during the Liverpool Blitz of 1940-41. The elusive crash site has become something of an urban myth, and there’s real excitement when the wreckage is found!

NEW ADULT COMEDY Timewaster­s, 10pm, ITV2

IN ITV2’s bold new comedy, a black jazz quartet are transporte­d back to Twenties London, where the locals believe them to be ‘cannibals of the Congo’. Two of them are played by show creator Daniel Lawrence Taylor and Kadiff Kirwan, and the result is sweary to start but rather fun, full of wry lines and tangents.


THOUGH visceral in its depictions of the serial killer’s victims, the true horror of David Fincher’s genre-busting thriller is emotional. Brad Pitt is the idealistic young cop teamed with Morgan Freeman’s worldweary partner to try to track down a killer every bit as deadly as the seven sins.

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