Scottish Daily Mail

We apologise for this picture, but it shows the true measure of the man

- From Tom Leonard in New York

WAVING his middle fingers in a crude gesture, Harvey Weinstein leaves his lawyer’s office to check into a sex addiction clinic.

The film producer, 65, was understood to be a patient at a £30,000-amonth rehabilita­tion centre in Arizona last night.

Hours earlier, outside the Los Angeles home of his 22-year-old daughter Remy, the Hollywood mogul – facing accusation­s from at least 33 women – launched into an expletive-ridden tirade when approached by photograph­ers. He said: ‘I’ve always been loyal to you guys, not like those f***ing p **** s who treat you like s***. I’ve been the good guy.

‘Guys, I’m not doing OK, but I’m trying. I gotta get help. I’m hanging in, I’m trying my best.

‘You know, we all make mistakes. Second chance, I hope.’

He had a furious row with his daughter before fleeing the house and trying to flag down a stranger’s car. His daughter called the police, fearing her father was suicidal, but officers determined he was not.

On Wednesday night Weinstein boarded a private jet for Arizona, where he is believed to have checked into The Meadows – a clinic where golfer Tiger Woods and model Kate Moss have received treatment.

Sources say he had originally planned to fly to Europe for treatment, but was warned it would look like he was fleeing the US.

Weinstein’s British wife, fashion designer Georgina Chapman, and two youngest children have not been seen for a week.

He said that he was ‘profoundly devastated’ after she told him she was divorcing him.

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