Scottish Daily Mail



When Benjamin Franklin proposed what became daylight saving time, artificial light was at a premium, and while people in the UK enjoyed an extra hour in bed last Sunday, parents of young children — like me — must adjust to waking at 5am instead of the usual 6am! But if this teaches us anything, it’s that nature (and children) laugh at our efforts to control time: a situation will take as long as it takes. It’s better to adjust and work around it than to try to turn the clock back — or forwards! ARIES Mar 21—Apr 20 OF COURSE there are things that we know we mustn’t do — society binds us by a list of rules and regulation­s. But there are other limitation­s that aren’t set in stone. We can — and must — sometimes push the boundaries. If they’re not challenged, how will progress be made? You’re reacting to a constraint because it’s no longer relevant. It dates from a previous era and is preventing you from developing an idea that has the potential to change a mediocre situation into something worthwhile. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5601. TAURUS Apr 21—May 21 EVEN if you read all the small print, the most rigorous legal document can be misconstru­ed. So what chance do we have of making ourselves understood? The most simple of phrases won’t be heard unless the person listening wants to hear it. We can’t help but twist informatio­n to suit our moods and preconcept­ions. If the message you want to share really matters to you, the cosmos is giving you the chance to choose your words and manner of delivery so that they are well received. Are you ready for a brand new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make November great! Call 0906 751 5602. GEMINI May 22—June 22 WE ACCEPT the protocols made by the world we live in without questionin­g them — until, that is, they stop us doing something we really want to do. Then we grumble and reassess the situation — and see if there’s a way to work around it. We’re forced to be creative if we want to follow our dreams. You feel as though you’re facing an irritating obstructio­n. It seems to be the only thing preventing you from moving towards your goal. Today, the beginnings of a way around it will appear. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute, month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5603. CANCER June 23—July 23 THE ‘butterfly effect’ neatly illustrate­s the fact that none of us knows the impact a small action might have on the world. A gesture that passes almost unnoticed — a friendly smile, picking up litter, offering to help someone with a heavy bag — might change an attitude and, for all we know, even a life. Such moments have more power than we think. And they affect the life of the person doing the kind deed, too. If you give a helping hand today, you will experience the benefits of your generosity. Are you ready for a brand new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make November great! Call 0906 751 5604. LEO July 24—Aug 23 MOST of us are loyal to our chosen brand of electronic and digital equipment. We make an initial decision, then stick to it through hell and high water. We convince ourselves that our choice was the best and cast all doubts aside. Of course, this is true for all manner of things. We tend to define ourselves by our preference­s: vegetarian or carnivore, horror films or romantic comedies. There’s a chance that you’re ascribing too much significan­ce to a past decision. It might be time for a change. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute, month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5605. VIRGO Aug 24—Sep 23 ‘WHAT’S the use of worrying, it never was worthwhile’ is a lyric to a tune sung by soldiers heading off to war. It’s hard to think of a more poignant illustrati­on of the need to put away uncontroll­able anxieties. When we’re worrying about something, it often takes up an inappropri­ate amount of space in our minds. We’re so focused on it that the solution — even when it’s obvious — is hard to see. You’re being distracted from finding the answer to your current problem. Today, pack your troubles away. Are you ready for a brand new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make November great! Call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA Sep 24—Oct 23 THE Harry Potter series did a lot to bring the world of wizardry and magic into our consciousn­ess, but we still tend to think of it happening in the pages of a book, or the scenes of a film, rather than in our everyday lives. Yet we all have the power to work magic and send out good wishes. Just because we don’t always see instantane­ous results doesn’t mean that it’s not effective. Although your current wish might not appear to be coming true, it just needs a little more time. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute, month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO Oct 24—Nov 22 NOW that you have Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury in your sign, the world is your oyster — well, that’s the theory. The truth, though, is that it’s taking you a while to activate the power that has been unleashed. There’s even a chance that you don’t feel very different, but your ability to inspire and to be inspired will soon be apparent. You’re about to be on the receiving end of some surprising­ly encouragin­g offers of help. To maximise your potential, try stepping out of the ordinary and into something new. Are you ready for a brand new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make November great! Call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23—Dec 21 TODAY the Sun and tomorrow Mercury form uneasy alliances with Saturn in your sign. Their positions suggest something is niggling at your subconscio­us. In the back of your mind you know that, despite appearance­s to the contrary, something isn’t right. Though you may lack the desire to investigat­e your doubts, this is something to be grateful for. It’s true: something does need fixing. And, once you’ve found the problem, the universe will provide the tools for the job. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute, month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN Dec 22—Jan 20 HOW do the people we see as authority figures get to their positions? Do they arrive on the planet wearing power suits and serious expression­s? Do they demand order around the kitchen table from their highchairs? Of course, true power isn’t inherited, it’s earned over time. No one has the power to prevent you from doing what you want, and nor can anyone take away your freedom of choice. Don’t let anyone do that. Stand confidentl­y in your right to make your decisions today. Are you ready for a brand new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make November great! Call 0906 751 5610. AQUARIUS Jan 21— Feb 19 PRIORITIES are hard to figure out when there’s so much to do. It’s easy enough when something forces itself into the top position — when you are faced with a drama or a deadline. But it’s hard to know what to do first when everything has the same call on our attention. Although there seems to be disagreeme­nt about what you need to be doing now, you’re right to think that what you feel is urgent, is urgent. Have confidence in your decision and act today. Remember, remember, we’re now in November. Light up your life! Call your four-minute, month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5611. PISCES Feb 20— Mar 20 NOT everything in life is perfect, and perhaps it never will be. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make your world more as you’d like it to be. It’s just that it’s more of a long-term project than a quick fix. There’s no short-cut to get there. Any route worth taking has its share of steep climbs and boulders to negotiate, but each blister and aching muscle is taking you closer to the view you want to see. This particular hill may feel tough and tiring — but you’re reaching the summit. Are you ready for a brand new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make November great! Call 0906 751 5612.

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