Scottish Daily Mail

I survived stampede by cows but others could die


I AM horrified that yet again a walker has been killed by cows. Oxford don Brian Bellhouse was trampled while trying to rescue his pet labrador (Mail). My heart goes out to his family. Two years ago, on a visit to Wales, I was attacked by a herd of cows while walking my dog. Fortunatel­y, some brave children playing nearby heard my screams and dragged me to safety. My dog was terrified, but unhurt. I was rushed to Bangor Hospital and, after surgery and two months of convalesce­nce, I have been left with scars and a damaged hip. The police took no action against the farmer, who, I was told, rarely checked on his herd and grazed the cattle on a field children used as their daily route to and from school. A walker must have left a gate open and they stampeded into the field where I was walking my dog. I was extremely lucky to escape with my life. Just a few months later, another woman died after a similar attack elsewhere in the countrysid­e. She did not have a dog with her, so claims that cattle only go on the attack because of a dog is erroneous. In my case, they targeted me, not my dog. Thank goodness, because if my pet had been trampled, it would not have survived and I could not have borne that. I was born a country girl so I am respectful of the Countrysid­e Code. Before this incident I’d never been terrified of cattle grazing dreamily in the fields. But now I believe cows can’t be trusted. Farmers have been attacked and even killed by their own stock. I have to remind the farming community they have a duty to ensure their beasts do not come into contact with the public. The least we need are strongly-worded warning notices on field gates. Mrs SHARN THOMAS, Carbrook, Norfolk.

 ??  ?? Warning: Country walker Sharn Thomas
Warning: Country walker Sharn Thomas

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