Scottish Daily Mail



‘YOU live and learn. At any rate, you live’, said the great Douglas Adams. Over the weekend, Mercury moved into Sagittariu­s, which traditiona­lly associates learning with adventure. But with Mercury due to turn retrograde before it leaves the sign of the centaur, there’s a chance that what we learn will need to be revised. That doesn’t mean that we’re making mistakes now. To quote Adams again: ‘I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.’

ARIES ‘YOU know that it’s Mar 21 — Apr 20 over . . . gotta let it burn,’ Usher sings in his hit, Burn. The song is all about ending a romance, when the relationsh­ip’s demise is a consequenc­e of your own wrongdoing. Although you don’t find yourself in that particular hot seat right now — and nor do you need to feel contrite for the problem that’s besieging you — his words are apposite. You’re holding on to something you really need to let go. If you can save your energy, and let it burn, you can rise from the ashes. Much can improve between now and the November New Moon. For a reading based on your exact date of birth, call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS AN OPPOSITION Apr 21 — May 21 between Venus and Uranus can mean only one thing: something’s going to change. You’ve been sensing this for a while, but, for fear of losing something precious, you’ve employed delaying tactics. Change creates space for new, vibrant adventures. But, if you still prefer to stick with what you know, you might yet be able to move forward — taking the best of what you have — and leaving the limitation­s and drawbacks behind. You’re

not powerless in this situation. Your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart and lift your spirits. For four minutes of good news, call 0906 751 5602. GEMINI HERE’S a saying: May 22 — June 22 ‘There’s no use crying over spilt milk.’ Yet we’re entitled to feel however we want, especially when we have a negative experience. The problem is that sometimes, when we kick up a fuss over something that’s happened, we forget to focus on the best way to proceed. Whatever your first impulse may be, you’ll have a much better week if you remind yourself to take a deep breath before reacting to any such spillages. You can respond, rather than react. Change your future! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5603. CANCER OFTEN the June 23 — July 23 biggest mistakes are made by people who believe that they’re quite incapable of making mistakes. Others live in a state of anxiety, quite certain that disaster’s looming around every corner. But mistakes are part of life, and if we fear or ignore them, we lessen the chances of learning and improving our lot. Doubting your own judgment and seeking approval from a third party won’t ultimately help your growth today. Trust your intuition. You know the right thing to do. Dial in your date of birth for your spookily accurate LATEST Moon-sign forecast. For important news call 0906 751 5604. LEO FINDING the July 24 — Aug 23 balance between over-confidence and insecurity can be challengin­g. Somehow, we seek to tread a careful line between the two extremes. Fortunatel­y, the Full Moon provided you with the insight to see the effects your recent efforts have been having on redressing a problem. It enhanced your perspectiv­e. If you can continue being sensitive to others, while not overlookin­g your own needs, you’ll be able to evaluate accurately, and see the effective way to proceed. Much can improve between now and the November New Moon. For a reading based on your exact date of birth, call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO WORRYING is a Aug 24 — Sep 23 subtle process. It adapts and mutates, so that we don’t recognise it for what it is and are more likely to fall under its spell. Wisdom, although similarly quiet, has a different tone of voice. It can be easy to confuse the two and think that a warranted misgiving is an unsubstant­iated fear. But real wisdom is fearless. If a project is creating anxiety, you can be confident that it’s right to heed your doubts. But don’t doubt yourself today. Follow what feels most hopeful. Your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart and lift your spirits. For four minutes of good news, call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA WE HAVE all at some Sep 24 — Oct 23 point or other uttered the words ‘it’s not fair!’ But what’s reasonable and fair is open to debate. Does anyone know the real meaning of those words? You’re in a situation where both fairness and reason are being called into question. No one involved is in a position to make a true pronouncem­ent. Both your supporters and opposers are biased in their own ways. So, for today, stick with the people who are on your side. That way, at least, you can be fair to yourself. Change your future! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO WHEN we’ve Oct 24 — Nov 22 been stuck in a situation with no prospect of growth or change, we become restless. That’s why, as the annual Full Moon opposite your sign fades, any anxiety you’re feeling is, in fact, a blessing in disguise, and it’s also why a positive turn of events is likely. You’re finding the voice to express concerns about an unsatisfac­tory situation. You’re being armed with the informatio­n that you need to be brave, bold and proactive. Listen to your heart; your actions will be powerful. Dial in your date of birth for your spookily accurate LATEST Moon-sign forecast. For important news call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S A QUIET Nov 23 — Dec 21 word, at the right moment, can be much more powerful than shouting. That might be hard to believe, when you’ve reasoned, argued and, even raised your voice, in a vain attempt to get your point heard. But hostility is often met with hostility and, if someone feels threatened, their natural reaction may be to retreat. The fading Full Moon leaves a legacy of sensitivit­y. If you explain your position, and are prepared to listen to

theirs, progress can yet be made. Much can improve between now and the November New Moon. For a reading based on your exact date of birth, call 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN IS THAT Dec 22 — Jan 20 really ticker tape in your hair? Can I really see balloons behind you? Maybe not, but despite the lack of fireworks in your honour, you’ve managed to achieve more with less than many people ever thought could be possible. You might not realise how far you’ve come until you’re required to look behind you. But you should look, because it’s worth checking that you haven’t left anyone behind. The weekend’s Full Moon brought success that is best enjoyed in good company. Your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart and lift your spirits. For four minutes of good news, call 0906 751 5610. AQUARIUS MY SON’S Jan 21 — Feb 19 obsessed with Ninjagos, little Lego ninjas, in colours, that correspond to the magic power they possess. He likes to swap their masks, legs and torsos around and create rainbow versions. But, regardless of the combinatio­ns he dreams up, he insists they retain his favourite ‘ice power’. No matter how much you change your mind, your own elemental powers — your core values — remain true. As you embark on something new, if it’s true to your heart, it will warm your soul. Change your future! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5611. PISCES THE recent Full Feb 20 — Mar 20 Moon turned your empathetic capabiliti­es right up to full power. It seems you need only to lay eyes on someone to understand their hopes and fears. This exceptiona­l sensitivit­y makes you a formidable force for good. Egos can be boosted, reassuranc­es given, and happiness spread around. But, are you likely to see your generosity returned? Well, it’s not impossible. For the time being, you need to be your own miracle worker. Fortunatel­y, that’s a talent you possess.

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