Scottish Daily Mail

Trump battles for the Saudis’ $2trillion float

- by Rachel Millard

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump has made a public pitch for Saudi Arabia’s national oil firm Aramco as it looks to float on either the New York or London stock exchanges.

Turning the fight for one of the world’s most valuable firms – valued by bosses at $2trillion – into a major political battle, Trump appealed on Twitter for it to choose the US and claimed he has discussed the matter with the Gulf state’s king.

London and New York have been hoping to get a slice of Aramco, with Prime Minister Theresa May and LSE chief executive Xavier Rolet visiting the kingdom in June and the Financial Conduct Authority bending over backwards to bring it here. But it has been opposed by some investors in London, partly due to the low stake on offer – potentiall­y just 5pc – when firms seeking a ‘premium’ listing are required to float at least 25pc.

The president’s interventi­on threatens to increase pressure on Riyadh, which is keen to improve relations in the US and could be swayed by his descriptio­n of the listing as a priority for Washington.

Writing on Twitter, Trump said: ‘Would very much appreciate Saudi Arabia doing their IPO of Aramco with the New York Stock Exchange. Important to the United States!’ He later told reporters: ‘I know they’re looking at London, I know they’re looking at others. So I would like them to consider the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq. I just spoke to the king a little while ago, and they will consider it.’

The Saudi government is trying to raise money due to low oil prices and is planning to sell about 5pc of Aramco next year – potentiall­y raising about £85bn in what would be the world’s largest initial public offering.

The FCA was heavily criticised in July when it proposed a new category for sovereign-controlled firms that would allow Aramco to circumvent the 25pc requiremen­ts. Last week, FCA chief executive Andrew Bailey admitted he had met with the oil giant’s chief financial officer in January.

At present, firms that do not meet the premium requiremen­ts must take a standard listing, which has lower corporate governance requiremen­ts and does not qualify for entry into most stock indices.

Trump did not say why he raised the issue at this time or whether he was responding to any informatio­n about the NYSE’s bid.

However, some recent reports – denied by Aramco – have suggested it will drop the foreign listing altogether in favour of a private sale and domestic listing.

The company told the Financial Times yesterday: ‘A range of options for the public listing of Saudi Aramco continue to be held under active review.’

Donald J. Trump @realDonald­Trump Would very much appreciate Saudi Arabia doing their IPO of Aramco with the New York Stock Exchange. Important to the United States!

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