Scottish Daily Mail

A shameless bid to exploit the young


IN a shameless bid to recruit 16 and 17-year-olds to his cause, Jeremy Corbyn is ruthlessly exploiting social media to persuade 1.5million that he will give them the vote.

Labour’s slickly-produced videos fizz around social media sites, spreading the message that these children are unfairly disenfranc­hised.

At the same time, Labour is harvesting their contact details to build a vast database of potential supporters.

The Mail is unconvince­d that 16-yearolds have the wisdom or maturity to assume the full rights of adulthood. The vast majority are still in full-time education and pay no tax.

But put to one side the rights and wrongs of the issue. What is clear is the cynical effectiven­ess with which Labour is using every form of modern communicat­ions technology to widen its electoral base. For the simple fact is most young people vote Labour. Indeed, evidence has emerged showing that the rush of last-minute registrati­ons by hundreds of thousands of young voters cost the Tories six seats in June, wiping out their Commons majority. During the campaign, Labour dominated Twitter and Facebook, while the Tories were miles off the pace, having failed to learn the lessons from the success of the Vote Leave campaign in the referendum. The Tories have the money and the brains but need a social media strategy of their own. And urgently.

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