Scottish Daily Mail

Citizen’s income pilot costs £250k

- By Rachel Watson

SNP ministers will spend £250,000 drawing up controvers­ial plans for a pilot universal citizen’s income scheme, it has been revealed.

Angela Constance has confirmed four councils will be handed the cash over the next two years in a bid to examine how the radical initiative would work.

A trial scheme is to be launched despite Nicola Sturgeon’s own economic adviser warning against a citizen’s income.

Professor Joseph Stiglitz claimed the scheme would use up already scarce funds and would distract officials from getting Scots into wellpaid employment.

But yesterday’s revelation suggests the Scottish Government will push ahead with the plans which would see everyone – regardless of wealth – given a nontaxable, non-means tested payment.

Initial research into the radical proposals suggests it would cost £12billion a year and would lead to soaring tax rises for hard-working, middle class Scots.

Scottish Tory social security spokesman Adam Tomkins said: ‘This is confirmati­on of the SNP spending £250,000 of taxpayers’ money on something it knows it will never do. That’s a shameless waste of cash and the Nationalis­ts should reconsider this.’

Backing for the move has come from the Greens. Green MSP Alison Johnstone said: ‘A citizen’s income would mean when we need a period away from work, or to reduce our hours, this would be affordable.

‘It’s a totally different system than the divisive benefits system we have today.’

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