Scottish Daily Mail

The ‘infertile’ couple who’ve had TWO sets of twins in 13 months

- By Alison Smith-Squire

THEY simply wanted a sibling for their son.

But in their quest for another child, Emma and Liam Ingram have beaten 700,000 to one odds to have two sets of twins in 13 months.

The couple spent six years and thousands of pounds on fertility treatment after failing to conceive again folowing the birth of son Mackenzie, ten. Then a final attempt resulted in twins Maddison and Jaxson 18 months ago – and the couple believed their family was complete.

But when the babies were just five months old Mrs Ingram discovered she had conceived naturally.

The couple, from Caerphilly, Wales, were stunned when a scan revealed she was due to give birth to another set of twins. Cradling Alexa and Sienna, now four months, Mrs Ingram, 34, said, ‘If someone had told me, “Next Christmas you will be a mum to five children” I would have thought they were joking. But my story just shows you never know what surprises life has in store for you. our little girls are miracle babies.’

The IT technician and her HGV driver husband, 32, conceived Mackenzie within three months of meeting.

The pair, who wed in June 2009, thought they would have no problems having a second baby. However, when after two years nothing happened, the couple sought private infertilit­y treatment undergoing four rounds of Intrauteri­ne Inseminati­on (IUI). Mrs Ingram said: ‘The goal of IUI was to increase the number of sperm in the fallopian tubes in the hope it would increase the chance of fertilisat­ion.

‘The first cycle cost £2,800 with each additional cycle costing £380. So we were so disappoint­ed when the first three goes all failed.’

The couple decided to give up and content themselves with one child. ‘But while we were on holiday in Cyprus my mum Katrina persuaded us to have one more go. Incredibly it was successful.’

In June 2016 Mrs Ingram gave birth to Maddison, 5Ib 14oz, and Jaxson, 5lb 8oz. ‘We felt our family was complete,’ she said. However, in the New Year 2017 she began to feel unwell. At first, she thought it was a bug which the whole family had suffered from.

However, she then realised she might be pregnant. The couple were both stunned when a test proved positive but there was a further shock in store when a scan revealed once again it was non identical twins.

Alexa, 5Ib 14oz, and Sienna, 5Ib 9oz, arrived in August.

‘Christmas with five children was magical,’ said Mrs Ingram. ‘Yes it is hard work but we have lots of support from family and Liam and I feel incredibly lucky. While Liam and I are thrilled to be a family of seven, five children is definitely enough.’

‘Christmas was magical’

 ??  ?? Baby boom: The Ingram family – Emma and Liam with son Mackenzie and the four new additions
Baby boom: The Ingram family – Emma and Liam with son Mackenzie and the four new additions

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