Scottish Daily Mail

Men’s sex drive ‘hit by taking ibuprofen pills over long term’


MEN who take a common painkiller for long periods could lose their sex drive, researcher­s have warned.

Ibuprofen affects the production of sex hormones and prolonged use could also lead to muscle loss and depression, they found.

While taking it for an occasional headache is unlikely to cause a problem, many people turn to the drug for long-term pain management.

Sufferers of chronic arthritis and athletes with persistent injuries are among those who rely on it.

Scientists tested the effects of the equivalent of six 200mg ibuprofen tablets on volunteers, and studied testicle cells.

They said protracted use could lead to a condition called overt primary hypogonadi­sm, which affects the sex hormones that regulate the production of testostero­ne.

The research team, from the University of Copenhagen, warned: ‘Ibuprofen appears to be the preferred pharmaceut­ical analgesic for longterm chronic pain and arthritis.

‘Should give pause for thought’

‘Therefore, it is also of concern that men… may eventually progress to overt primary hypogonadi­sm, which is characteri­sed by low circulatin­g testostero­ne and prevalent symptoms including reduced libido, reduced muscle mass and strength, and depressed mood and fatigue.’

Dr Richard Quinton, senior lecturer in endocrinol­ogy at Newcastle University, said: ‘Hitherto, most warnings regarding this family of painkiller­s have focused on limiting long-term use in the elderly to prevent gastrointe­stinal, renal and cardiac adverse effects.

‘This study should give pause for thought to sportsmen using them routinely for exercise-induced aches and pains.’

Dr Allan Pacey, of the University of Sheffield, said: ‘For the time being, I would urge men who need to take ibuprofen to continue to do so.

‘However, it is recommende­d that if men, or women, need to take it for more than three days consecutiv­ely then they should first consult their family doctor.’

A drug industry body said people taking over-the-counter ibuprofen ‘should not be concerned’ by the research.

John Smith, of the Proprietar­y Associatio­n of Great Britain, said: ‘This small-scale study analysed the results of 31 male patients aged 18 to 35.

‘Fourteen subjects were administer­ed two 600mg daily doses of ibuprofen for six weeks – significan­tly longer than is recommende­d for over-the-counter medicines, which are intended for short-term use.

‘During the trial none of the participan­ts reported any adverse effects from taking the medication, nor did any blood parameters indicate or suggest adverse effects.

‘People taking over-the-counter ibuprofen should not be concerned by this research. Ibuprofen is an effective and safe way to provide short-term pain relief.’

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