Scottish Daily Mail

...but‘unsackable’Huntdefies PM to stay in charge at health

- By Jason Groves Political Editor

JEREMY Hunt joined the ranks of the Cabinet ‘unsackable­s’ last night after seeing off Theresa May’s efforts to prise him out of the Department of Health.

The minister flatly refused a sideways move to the business department after five years in charge of the NHS.

Friends say Mr Hunt made it clear he would rather quit than leave the Health Department.

After an hour-long meeting in No 10, the Prime Minister backed down and let Mr Hunt stay on to ‘finish the job’. She also accepted his request to take charge of the Government’s response to the social care crisis. Mrs May had already abandoned any idea of shifting Chancellor Philip Hammond and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson for fear of destabilis­ing her administra­tion.

Yesterday’s events suggest Mr Hunt is also now all but unsackable. The Health Secretary is highly rated in No 10 and has impressed Mrs May with his loyalty since last year’s botched election.

In recent days aides had even sounded him out about the becoming Mrs May’s effective deputy – only for him to make clear he was not interested in taking what is largely a backroom role.

Downing Street sources acknowledg­ed Mr Hunt had argued ‘very passionate­ly’ to stay at the Department of Health. A source said: ‘He wanted to see it through. He made the case very passionate­ly. He persuaded the PM he’s got the best experience to find a longterm solution on social care.’

Mr Hunt will now take charge of drawing up the Government’s care proposals. His success in resisting a move yesterday is also likely to strengthen his hand in negotiatio­ns with the Chancellor on future NHS funding.

 ??  ?? ‘It says something when the only person I recognise is the reporter interviewi­ng them’
‘It says something when the only person I recognise is the reporter interviewi­ng them’

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