Scottish Daily Mail



ARIES Mar21—Apr20 WHEN Shakespear­e wrote that some people are born great, others achieve it, and others have it thrust upon them, it would have been helpful if he’d added an explainer. How do people end up in a specific category — and which group is it better to be part of? Despite our 21st-century cultural adoration of all things famous, greatness tends to be difficult, rather than easy to live with. It brings a lot of responsibi­lity when it comes your way. Whether you want it or not, it’s being thrust in your direction now. Today’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start the year. For your four-minute, inspiring guide to 2018, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr21—May21 IT’S not easy to see the difference between what you want and what you need. Not unless you have the extraordin­ary skill of being able to stand back and see yourself from a distance. Such perspectiv­e brings wisdom. If it happens to be something you can do, we’d all like to know how you do it! If though, like the rest of us, you make the occasional mistake, you’ll understand the complicati­ons of deciding between need and want. Stay open to advice today and you’ll be guided to the right decision. Today’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start the year. For your four-minute, inspiring guide to 2018, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May22—June22 THE triple conjunctio­n involving Pluto, planet of transforma­tion, reveals much that has been hidden about your situation. Not only will the motives of other people be easier to spot, but your own power-plays will be more successful. That doesn’t mean life has to be a Machiavell­ian drama full of plots and recriminat­ions! This is a chance to discover shared interests with someone in a powerful position. You can help each other to progress — and turn a tragedy into a triumph. Today’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start the year. For your four-minute, inspiring guide to 2018, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June23—July23 COMPROMISE­S sometimes feel like the building bricks of our lives. You’ve been feeling as if you have no option except to work hard and push yourself beyond your capabiliti­es. It’s been tough. But we need to make something very clear. Although you’ve been compromisi­ng, you haven’t been making sacrifices. Sacrifices create messy situations and only temporaril­y relieve stress. As the triple conjunctio­n arrives opposite your sign, a reward for your compromisi­ng arrives in the form of a fair deal. Perfect. Today’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start the year. For your four-minute, inspiring guide to 2018, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July24—Aug23 WE LIKE our habits: they reassure us as we journey through this seemingly unpredicta­ble world we call home. We like doing the things that we always do. And we’re happy to take on someone else’s habits if we’re feeling a bit short of our own. When we see how people respond to a tricky situation, we copy them — thinking that they have more experience. That’s all well and good — but sometimes someone needs to do things differentl­y. That’s you! Don’t just do the obvious. Today’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start the year. For your four-minute, inspiring guide to 2018, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug24—Sep23 ASK my son to tidy his toys and you’re in for a tough time. But announce that you’re playing the ‘back in the box game’ and he’ll join in with gusto. I know that’s not quite as simple as whistling while you work, but approachin­g a complex situation with playful inventiven­ess makes it easier. There’s light to be found and enjoyment to be had. The more creative you are with problems, the quicker they will go away. There are no fairytale endings, but you’ll be in a kinder, more benevolent and significan­t place. Today’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start the year. For your four-minute, inspiring guide to 2018, call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA Sep24—Oct23 FOR anyone involved in business, profit becomes the most important goal. To the conductor of a choir, harmony is the ultimate aim. So what’s most important to you right now? Well, actually, it’s important to remember that importance is relative! Perspectiv­e is a powerful tool and your ability to look at a situation, and see it from different viewpoints, gives you a distinct advantage. Although it doesn’t always seem to translate to worldly success, if you give it its due now, it will. Today’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start the year. For your four-minute, inspiring guide to 2018, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct24—Nov22 WHEN we’re polite with each other, we rarely create anything or say anything of value. Politeness is a shield which we hide our true feelings behind. Meaningful conversati­ons involve more of a risk — they can be challengin­g, confrontat­ional and tense. But they are the opposite of stagnant. They create movement and potential — and force resentment­s to move on. If you feel tempted to step gingerly around the edge of a conversati­on today, don’t hold back. It will be worth it. Today’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start the year. For your four-minute, inspiring guide to 2018, call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov23—Dec21 WE ALL want to feel safe and secure. We also know that these are qualities that don’t just land on our plates. They take considered effort and applicatio­n. Sure, there may be moments when we can step back and take a holiday from the pressure. But, in the long run, results are the product of sustained effort. If it seems as if someone’s losing their faith in your abilities, all you can do is continue doing what you do. Reliabilit­y is your strength. You can’t lose if you act with kindness. Today’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start the year. For your four-minute, inspiring guide to 2018, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec22—Jan20 SOME things are out of our control. We can’t, for example, just say abracadabr­a and find ourselves somewhere different, with our problems resolved. Even now, as we start a new year and so much seems possible, neither you nor I have unlimited power to wield. You can exercise power over your mind and thoughts, though. You can change an attitude, shift a mood and reset an expectatio­n. You have the ability to turn something that has felt wrong into something that feels right. Today’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start the year. For your four-minute, inspiring guide to 2018, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan21—Feb19 DO YOU really need to make sacrifices to make headway? Today’s triple conjunctio­n between the Sun, Mercury and Pluto encourages you to reconsider your attitude to a cause you’ve devoted your time and energy to. You’ve given so much of yourself that you’re beginning to suffer. The question is: should you continue? Or has it reached a point where you need to draw the line? It’s not an easy decision, but it’s one that you’ll soon be inspired to make. Today’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start the year. For your four-minute, inspiring guide to 2018, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 I JUST read a lovely story about the values of working in a community and the importance of teamwork. It talks about breaking a stick in half. It’s easy to break one stick — but if a lot of sticks are tied together, they have a strength that can’t be broken. You have an opportunit­y to work more closely with the people close to you. You’re part of a growing network that will provide support and encouragem­ent. It will give you more power and strength, but you’ll have less flexibilit­y. It’s worth the sacrifice. Today’s triple conjunctio­n brings gifts to start the year. For your four-minute, inspiring guide to 2018, call 0906 751 5612.

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