Scottish Daily Mail



The 1967 classic, yet radical, musical hair proclaimed: ‘This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!’ Yet if you ask ten different experts you’ll get ten different answers as to whether or not the Age of Aquarius has actually begun, is about to begin or won’t start for years. But, as the Sun followed Venus at the weekend, this definitely is the dawning of the month of Aquarius! And for the next few weeks the Sun’s warmth and courage will be forward-thinking and delightful­ly eccentric in tone! ARIES MY OLD teacher Mar 21 — Apr 20 used to screech, ‘there’s no such thing as “can’t” ’ when his class told him they couldn’t do something. But as I grow older and wiser, I can see he had a point. Why shouldn’t we be able to achieve anything we set our minds to? You show me the rulebook that says we can’t, then maybe I’ll believe you. What’s that? There isn’t one? There we go, then. The only authority that matters is yours — and the power it gives you to marshal your abilities and do what needs to be done. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into exciting new celestial positions. Make the most of them! Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS WITH the Sun Apr 21 — May 21 following your ruler, regulation­s are ever present in your life, but rules are made to be broken. It’s not that you want to play dirty or go against your word (or anyone else’s) — you don’t want to get a difficult reputation. And yet adhering to the letter of the law isn’t yielding results. You find yourself in a confusing situation and unable to fathom what’s expected of you. Perhaps you need to do what’s unexpected and be unpredicta­ble?

Flexibilit­y is all that’s required for success. As the planet of power dances across the sky, it brings change and potential for fun! To find out more, call 0906 751 5602. GEMINI A WORLD May 22 — June 22 without uncertaint­y is a world without fear of the unknown. That would make life pretty stress-free, wouldn’t it? But do you know what else a world without uncertaint­y is? Boring! There would be no surprises and nothing to discover. Would you really want to live like that? I know you worry about the outcome of a challengin­g situation, but if you look at it as a reason for excitement, rather than a source of exhaustion, you’ll be more than able to cope. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into exciting new celestial positions. Make the most of them! Call 0906 751 5603. CANCER THE Sun has left June 23 — July 23 your opposite sign. It means the end of a ‘you versus them’ experience of life. You might not have been in open conflict with other people, but there has been an emphasis on how your approach differs from those around you. It’s time now to concentrat­e on the values you share, rather than what sets you apart. There’s a way in which you can co-operate with someone that will be beneficial to you both. It’s not despite the difference­s you have, but thanks to them, that this can work out so well. As the planet of power dances across the sky, it brings change and potential for fun! To find out more, call 0906 751 5604. LEO MY FOUR-YEAR-OLD July 24 — Aug 23 doesn’t quite understand the concept of sharing. He’s fine about playing with his friend’s things, but seems to be less generous when a friend takes an interest in even his neglected toys. Your ruler, the Sun, spends an equal amount of time in every part of the zodiac, but last weekend it moved opposite your sign. You’re being encouraged to share the limelight with someone else. What’s more, you might find it’s more enjoyable than playing alone! Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into exciting new celestial positions. Make the most of them! Call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO IN TIMES gone by, Aug 24 — Sep 23 fairground­s had a hall-of-mirrors in which you could watch your reflection stretch like a runner bean, widened into a football or wiggle like a wave. Today, there are apps for that, but none of them is as powerful as your own ability to distort your perception of yourself. Sometimes you are your own toughest critic, projecting perceived inadequaci­es onto yourself with more conviction than an app or mirror could ever achieve. The cosmos encourages you to be kind to yourself today. As the planet of power dances across the sky, it brings change and potential for fun! To find out more, call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA AN ACQUIRED taste is Sep 24 — Oct 23 something we come to enjoy over time. Like green vegetables, black coffee and red-hot chillies. I’m being a little tongue-in-cheek. Most of us are exposed to such things and grow to enjoy them as we outgrow other things. Yet even when we reach maturity, we change in small ways that make us revise our position on things we previously decided weren’t to our liking. You’ll soon be surprised by a new appreciati­on for something you thought wasn’t to your taste. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into exciting new celestial positions. Make the most of them! Call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO TOO many Oct 24 — Nov 22 people seem happy to follow the crowd, doing what other people do, believing what other people believe. That’s not to say they’re always wrong. When something’s been done the same way for hundreds, even thousands, of years, it’s probably because it works. Why create a stumbling block for no reason? But now and then exciting alternativ­es can generate opportunit­ies. Today, it’s worth taking a second look at something that you’ve

previously rejected. It’s worth a try. As the planet of power dances across the sky, it brings change and potential for fun! To find out more, call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S ARE you Nov 23 — Dec 21 coming or going? Right now, you have one foot out the door. It’s not an easy decision you’re trying to make. From a logical point-ofview, there’s an obvious option. But if you follow your intuition, you’ll pick the other way — so the choice is between logic and heart. Be quick about it, though! The way it’s developing, the decision won’t be yours for long. The choice you make will be right but, having said that, there’s a reason the

saying is: ‘Be true to your heart.’ Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into exciting new celestial positions. Make the most of them! Call 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN AMAZING Dec 22 — Jan 20 options exist even in the most trying times. We just have to search a little harder for them. The problem is that, after a while, we get so used to searching for a glimmer of a chance, or the sparkle of a future promise, that we miss what’s right in front of us. When everything’s been so hard-won, it’s hard to trust something that seems to have fallen, Godgiven, out of the sky. The universe is offering you a real chance this week. It might seem too good to be true but, in this case, it’s real. As the planet of power dances across the sky, it brings change and potential for fun! To find out more, call 0906 751 5610. AQUARIUS MOST movies Jan 21 — Feb 19 have a good guy and a bad guy. Only the most visionary directors encourage us to doubt the valour of the hero or feel sympathy for the villain — when the lines are blurred, the audience gets confused. For some people, real life is the same, but understand­ing why someone acted in a certain way doesn’t mean you overlook their actions. As you come to terms with someone’s motives, rather than condoning their past, you’re propelling them towards a brighter future. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into exciting new celestial positions. Make the most of them! Call 0906 751 5611. PISCES ARE you the sort of Feb 20 — Mar 20 person to read an instructio­n manual from cover to cover before beginning, or do you throw caution to the wind and hope for the best? Actually, the latter position is not quite as impractica­l as people assume. Instructio­ns can be confusing, jargon-filled, over-complicate­d. But people who throw themselves in can work out that it’s not so difficult after all! A project you’re facing may seem convoluted. But once you get started, you’ll realise it’s not as daunting as you fear.

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