Scottish Daily Mail

Is it just ME?

- by Philippa Stockley

Or are people who sneeze in public thoroughly selfish? NEXT time someone sneezes or coughs near me on public transport without tenting their face in a hanky, I swear I’ll whack them.

How can people be so selfish? A sneeze squirts infectious yuck at 100mph, and then splatters in little droplets of germy goo all over the bus and its other occupants.

With Aussie and now Japanese flu on killing sprees, we must act.

I work freelance, with no sick pay. If someone infects me through sloppy hygiene, they’ll be happy when I bill them for a week, right?

I advise all visitors to cancel if feeling fluey. Check your temperatur­e before setting out.

My heart plummets when someone gives you two big hello kisses, then announces they’ve ‘got a slight cold’.

Eh? There’s no middle ground here; you’re either healthy or you have what’s beginning to sound like the 21st-century version of bubonic plague.

Come back when you’re better. And meanwhile don’t go to the cinema or theatre and smother your neighbour with sideways spillout from skimpy bits of loo roll.

Hacking and sneezing are just the start; flu viruses transmit via surfaces.

You cough or sneeze and then touch a doorknob, a tap or someone else’s keyboard, and then of course the next person to touch it has virus on their fingers, which they will then almost certainly transfer to their own nose, lips or eyes.

And bingo — an epidemic. It’s science, but it’s not rocket science.

That said, never suppress a sneeze like the poor man last week who ruptured his throat after pinching his nostrils shut. No one’s asking you to explode while defending public health. That would just be silly.

My heart plummets when someone gives you hello kisses, then says they’ve ‘got a slight cold’

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