Scottish Daily Mail

Commuters facing chaos

- By Paul Drury

COMMUTERS face rush-hour misery this morning as Scotland is set to face heavy snow and hail.

Forecaster­s have warned that the West and North of the country will be battered by blizzard conditions, leading to chaos on the roads and railways.

Met Office experts say up to four inches of snow could fall overnight into this morning.

Spokesman Rachael Adshead said: ‘It is going to be particular­ly cold, with overnight snow showers continuing into the Monday morning rush-hour.

‘Scotland is on the end of a Canadian airstream which picks up moisture as it crosses the mild sea. That’s why some of the heaviest snow today will be in Western Scotland.

‘Glasgow could see very heavy snow showers in the morning.’

The snowfall began yesterday, with areas such as Invernesss­hire, Ayrshire and Dumfriessh­ire bearing the brunt.

A blizzard struck Muir of Ord, near Inverness, while skiers complained about long queues on the A82 as they tried to reach Nevis Range near Fort Willliam, Inverness-shire. It is understood the private service road had not been gritted, making the climb too difficult for some vehicles.

As a result, traffic was unable to turn into the access road and was backed up on the A82.

The Scottish Government’s emergency response team was activated at the weekend to co-ordinate efforts to keep the country’s roads moving.

A Transport Scotland spokesman said: ‘Police Scotland is advising motorists to drive appropriat­ely to the conditions on the road, allowing extra time to travel.’

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