Scottish Daily Mail

Corbynista’s ‘scrounger’ jibe at Queen

- By Jack Doyle Executive Political Editor

AN ACTIVIST backed by Momentum who once called the Queen the country’s ‘biggest welfare scrounger’ has been made a Labour parliament­ary candidate.

Jackie Schneider, a strong supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, was selected on Thursday night to contest the marginal seat of Wimbledon in south-west London.

Analysis of her Twitter feed shows she is an ardent republican and anti-nuclear campaigner who has called for the Trident nuclear deterrent to be cut.

She narrowly beat Eleanor Harrison, a charity boss, who won endorsemen­ts from leading Blairites including former home secretary Alan Johnson. Miss Schneider, a music teacher, was backed by Momentum – the hard-Left group which grew out of Mr Corbyn’s leadership campaign – and the GMB union. She is pictured on her website with Mr Corbyn and celebrity chef Jamie Oliver.

In one tweet posted in 2016 she called for both Trident and the monarchy to have their funding cut. ‘Plenty of savings to be had – cut Trident, monarchy & tax relief for the super rich,’ she wrote.

In another, commenting on the BBC radio show Any Questions in 2012, she wrote: ‘Long live the republic! Queen is biggest welfare scrounger ever.’ Miss Schneider has described other members of the Royal Family as ‘useless’. In April 2013 she wrote: ‘Why did we let the Queen have so many useless children?’

The Wimbledon seat is held by Tory ex-minister Stephen Hammond with a majority of 5,622.

Last week the Daily Mail revealed a hard-Left plot to install candidates loyal to Mr Corbyn in target seats.

Last night Miss Schneider said: ‘I don’t remember sending these tweets six years ago but I’ve now deleted them and I apologise if I’ve caused offence.’

 ??  ?? Jackie Schneider and Jamie Oliver
Jackie Schneider and Jamie Oliver

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