Scottish Daily Mail



SATURN is the cartoon bad boy of the cosmos. He has a reputation for being stern and instilling discipline . . . so much so that the moment he arrives back at the point he occupied when we were born is known as the dreaded Saturn Return. Today Mercury makes an encouragin­g link with the cosmic teacher, and at the weekend, the Sun repeats the same alignment. Although this might not be rainbows and roses, it is good news. Taken seriously, it provides a chance to assume some authority. ARIES ONE side-effect Mar 21 — Apr 20 of heightened sensitivit­y is that you feel more vulnerable. Another is that your sense of awareness to other people increases, as does your understand­ing of them. Sometimes increased sensitivit­y can lead to the inner deepening of resolute determinat­ion to complete an important mission. You’re beginning to feel motivated to pick up a challenge that you had felt obliged to put down. As clarity and calm begin to affect your mood, you can begin to right something that’s wrong. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS THANK goodness Apr 21 — May 21 for mirages. Imagine the sense of relief that a shimmering glint of an oasis provides after a long and thirsty day in the desert. It offers a glimmer of hope and a reason to keep going through adverse circumstan­ces. You’re not heading towards a mirage, though, you’re leaving one behind! Your imaginatio­n is creating the desert rather than the oasis. With that informatio­n you can shift your perspectiv­e and see the reality for what it is . . . and that’s not nearly as bad as you think. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For your LATEST inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 0906 751 5602. GEMINI SOMETIMES if May 22 — June 22 we don’t really have anything big to worry about, we exaggerate our problems or create new challenges to occupy our minds. Since your imaginatio­n is particular­ly creative, your ability to torment yourself is extremely well-developed. Yet confronted by a real problem, you’re well-equipped to rise to the challenges and you cope with competence. So are you imagining this difficulty or is it for real? The answer is that it really exists — which means that you’ll find a way to deal with it. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5603. CANCER WHAT is someone June 23 — July 23 trying to teach you? Sometimes it can be hard to take advice from a voice of authority that seems to use carrots for sticks. But occasional­ly advice is dangled that, while not being orange and pointy, might taste just as sweet. Life now encourages you to take some important steps towards the future you dream of having. The way ahead is not without fog or confusion, but if you listen to what someone is not saying as much as what they are saying, you’ll find advice that will guide you. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For your LATEST inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 0906 751 5604. LEO ‘IN A dark, dark July 24 — Aug 23 town there was a dark, dark street — and in the dark, dark street there was a dark, dark house — and in the dark, dark house there were some dark, dark stairs — and down the dark, dark stairs there was a dark, dark cellar — and in the dark, dark cellar...’ Actually, you needn’t worry about skeletons today. Just as in the story, what lurks in the darkness isn’t scary. The nightmare scenario you’re dealing with is just as fanciful as the most imaginativ­e children’s story and it has a happy ending. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO AS VENUS converges Aug 24 — Sep 23 with Neptune opposite your sign, you’re being bathed in opportunit­ies and blessed with chances to enjoy yourself. I know . . . there are plenty of reasons to keep your head down and stay focused on all those important plans and helpful things that you do, but this is a moment for you. It’s a time to lift your head up and celebrate all that’s kind and good in your world. Then you’ll be in a positive position, with better perspectiv­e, from where you can make even better decisions. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For your LATEST inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA HOW are the Sep 24 — Oct 23 canapes? The ones carefully prepared with your favourite ingredient­s so you can nibble on something delicious whenever you feel so inclined? Oh, you haven’t seen them yet? Well, in one way or another, life has prepared a tray of treats for you. Venus forms a conjunctio­n with lucky and expansive Jupiter today. Her aim is to show you the love and abundance you have in your life. She’s not one to give up easily, either. The best advice I can give is that you relax and accept the gifts. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO ALTHOUGH some Oct 24 — Nov 22 people find the concept hard to accept, we are all creative. Some of us play instrument­s and write music, while others listen and dance or read and doodle. We just can’t help ourselves from creating something. In essence we are all spontaneou­s and imaginativ­e spirits who are here on planet Earth to celebrate its glory rather than spend our days being stressed to the max. Life is presenting you with an opportunit­y to remind you of the delights it holds. There’s magic in the air today. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For your LATEST inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S TODAY, Nov 23 — Dec 21 as Venus and Neptune converge, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on the conclusion you’ve recently arrived at. There’s a chance that a key piece of informatio­n has been hidden . . . which means that you’ve reached your current view without all the pertinent facts. This scenario holds possibilit­ies and depths that are worth developing. You might be alone in your vision, but others will come round to your way of thinking. As Venus and Neptune link, trust your imaginatio­n. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN OUR Dec 22 — Jan 20 imaginatio­n works best when it is given a little amount of stimulatio­n rather than a lot. Clever filmmakers know this and provide just the right amount of clues so that the audience will imagine something far scarier than can ever be created on celluloid. You’re feeling very much as though you’re working in the dark now and trying to imagine how this project or idea is going to progress is proving difficult (and scary). Rather than imagine, seek out as much informatio­n as you can get today. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For your LATEST inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 0906 751 5610. AQUARIUS WHEN it Jan 21 — Feb 19 seems to be obvious who should be punished and who should be rewarded, it’s hard not to be critical. The judgment trap is easy to fall into, but who are we to criticise? Do any of us lead faultless lives? We all do things we can be pleased about and others we’re rightly not so proud of. A generous thought, though, is not only something we can always have . . . it has a ripple effect on the world. Your emotional resources are particular­ly rich right now. Share them and you’ll benefit too. Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiratio­nal new alignments. Make the most of it! Call 0906 751 5611. PISCES THE Buddha advised Feb 20 — Mar 20 us not to dwell in the past or dream of the future, but to concentrat­e on the present moment. Those words spoken long ago are pertinent today. If we learn to look through the lens of the ‘here and now’, it changes our perspectiv­e and helps us to see the magic available in every moment. It takes moment-by-moment work of course. But as Venus and your ruler converge today, they bring you the insight to see what’s really going on, and what you can do to enhance the magic. The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For your LATEST inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 0906 751 5612.

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