Scottish Daily Mail



This weekend Mercury converges with Neptune. On Wednesday, when Venus did the same, we talked about life being like a watercolou­r. Mercury now adds some foreground detail to the emotional backwash. Venus aligns sharply with Mars this weekend, so calm considerat­ion will help to mediate any emotional extremes. And amid all this, wise Jupiter exerts his influence. Although he brings intensity and exaggerati­on, he helps us to explore perspectiv­es that might otherwise be lost in the heat of the moment.

ARIES COULD your Mar 21 — Apr 20 expectatio­ns be set too high? Are your ideas and hopes too fantastica­l to ever come true? Although the change you want to see won’t come in the way you envisage, nor as quickly as you’d like, it is on the way. There’s an old proverb which talks about the importance of reaching for the Moon and getting to the tree tops, rather than aiming for the trees and only just making it off the ground. It looks likely that one of your key objectives is going to be easier to achieve than you’d imagined. March is a powerful Blue Moon month. Call now to hear the excellent news for Aries: 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS AS we move Apr 21 — May 21 towards the weekend’s alignment between Venus and Mars, we find you concentrat­ing on your closest relationsh­ips and your obligation­s to the people you care most about. Something needs to change, and the person who could help you reshuffle your commitment­s and make your life easier has, so far at least, been unwilling to co-operate. Fortunatel­y, the situation can’t remain in this state of inertia. One way or another, the tension will be resolved over the weekend. March is a powerful Blue Moon month. Call now to hear the rewarding news for Taurus: 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI IT’S easy to May 22 — June 22 blame ourselves, or someone else, when situations don’t seem to make sense. But, it would be much healthier, and easier if we could take a philosophi­cal approach. You’re full of latent potential and are capable of achieving great things. If you could only stand back and take an unbiased view of your life, you’d see that you’re already doing them. If you keep thinking big, creative ideas this weekend, you’ll find that your generosity of spirit is returned with generosity of mind. March is a powerful Blue Moon month. Call now to hear the exciting news for Gemini: 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23 A glance at political history shows that austerity sometimes becomes the buzzword for the people in charge. But surely there are other ways of making savings. Don’t many of us waste inordinate amounts of time dreaming rather than focusing on the work we need to be doing? Just imagine how much energy’s being wasted! Maybe someone should think of a way to keep us all focused — what a thriving economy that would create. But no one can control your soul. Your emotional liberty is worth fighting for. March is a powerful Blue Moon month. Call now to hear the amazing news for Cancer: 0906 751 5604.

LEO HOMER SIMPSON July 24 — Aug 23 may not be the brightest cookie on the planet, but when it comes to philosophy, he’s hard to beat. His wisdom is carefully disguised as humour, which makes it even cleverer and easier to absorb. He once said: ‘It takes two people to lie: one to lie and the other to listen.’ Wow! He’s right of course. The person doing the deceiving can only be successful if there is someone to hear their deceit. Don’t let your enthusiasm override your powers of discrimina­tion this weekend. March is a powerful Blue Moon month. Call now to hear the heart-warming news for Leo: 0906 751 5605.

VENUS may have VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

moved on from her conjunctio­n with Neptune, but your ruler Mercury will replace her this weekend, creating situations that inspire and re-energise you. It’s time to get out and about. Accept any invitation­s that come your way because there’s a good chance that you’ll benefit from social and even romantic interactio­ns. Even on the material plane there’s the likelihood of making progress. Your gifts are hard earned and well deserved. There are good reasons to be excited about the future. March is a powerful Blue Moon month. Call now to hear the inspiring news for Virgo: 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA IT’S easy to Sep 24 — Oct 23 overlook, but the words we choose to express ourselves are tremendous­ly important. People who take care and are sensitive with their language can share difficult informatio­n in a way that makes it palatable. Unkind, thoughtles­s statements can be damaging and cause unhappines­s even when none is meant. If you find yourself in a tricky situation this weekend, by choosing your words with care and sharing the most optimistic version of events, you’ll create a better outcome. March is a powerful Blue Moon month. Call now to hear the uplifting news for Libra: 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO WHEN people Oct 24 — Nov 22 accuse us of not living in the real world it feels like an easy accusation. Even though it’s a ridiculous thing to say, it’s hurtful. It’s a critical statement that throws our methods into question. Of course, no one really knows how to live here — least of all the folk who think that they do! The world needs people with innovative ways of imagining change. Your ability to think outside the box and create exciting solutions is enhanced this weekend. Share your ideas with those who support you. March is a powerful Blue Moon month. Call now to hear the thrilling news for Scorpio: 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S GROWING Nov 23 — Dec 21 up in the days before cars were climate-controlled I spent many long, cold, rainy family car journeys watching my breath condense on the windows and steam up my view of the world. Neptune’s influence is having much the same effect on your view, and is why it feels as if you’re trying to understand a situation through a misty fog. Rather than feeling frustrated by what you can’t see, there are gifts to be found in the slightly distorted view. This weekend, Mercury will pull everything into focus. March is a powerful Blue Moon month. Call now to hear the helpful news for Sagittariu­s: 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN THE Dec 22 — Jan 20 problem is that some folk share more informatio­n than they should. It’s not easy being on the receiving end of gossip. What do you do with it? Keep it to yourself or add to the problem by sharing it with someone else? In your world, this situation is precarious­ly balanced because someone else, who has something important to say, is staying quiet. What can you do? Be your most discerning self. That way, at the very least, you’ll be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. March is a powerful Blue Moon month. Call now to hear the brilliant news for Capricorn: 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS THE high Jan 21 — Feb 19 levels of stress you’ve been feeling this week are being replaced by a welcome sense of calm. Phew! This is occurring in the nick of time, because you need to be ready to embrace a welcome change. It’s as if someone, somewhere wants to do something lovely for you. You’re about to be the recipient of a generous act that will improve your sense of wellbeing. Since you’ve been feeling underappre­ciated for a while, this shift in gratitude will be most welcome. You deserve it. March is a powerful Blue Moon month. Call now to hear the wonderful news for Aquarius: 0906 751 5611.

PISCES THIS weekend, it’s Feb 20 — Mar 20 Mercury’s turn to converge with your ruler Neptune. Meanwhile, Venus will make a strikingly dynamic alignment with Mars. It suggests that your heart wants to focus on achieving a desirable outcome — but your head will struggle to work out what that looks like! With the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Neptune all in your sign, there’s so much for you to take advantage of that you can’t tell how high to aim. If you share your goals, you’ll find the energy and enthusiasm to make wishes come true. March is a powerful Blue Moon month. Call now to hear the encouragin­g news for Pisces: 0906 751 5612.

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