Scottish Daily Mail


- By Crime Correspond­ent

IT WAS a lesson from Umar Haque that the class of 16 pupils would never forget. After being shown a graphic Islamic State video of children being burnt, bombs going off and bloody fighting in Syria, one 11-year-old said he felt like killing the Queen.

One boy told police: ‘It all started when ustaad [which means teacher] said the second lesson is starting and we’re going to learn all the good stuff in Islam – but it wasn’t good, it was a lie.

‘He said all these bombings are because the Queen and the Prime Minister started bombing them first.’ The Old Bailey was played a video of the youngster dressed in his school uniform talking about watching ‘real fighting and blood, babies getting killed, babies in hospital’.

He said: ‘He (Haque) said, “How would you feel if your younger brothers and sisters are like this? If your young brothers were babies and they got killed in the flames?”’ The boy went on: ‘I felt kind of like sad and determined, no offence, but to kill all the people... (including) the Queen.’

The children were made to swear an oath never to tell anyone about the lessons.

One 12-year-old recalled: ‘If we tell our mums or a policeman our heads will turn in the grave and we’ll go to hell and our houses will burn down.’ Haque told them he was a member of IS and ordered them to practise knifing police officers. The boy added: ‘We just pretend to hit them. Get them and slice

it through the neck.’ Another 13year-old boy described how boys role-played driving into crowds of innocent people and police: ‘Some of us were the ISIS, some of us were the police and some of us were drivers.’

He said boys were told to turn off the projector showing IS videos if anyone came into the lessons in a tent at the back of the mosque.

‘It was very explicit. It was cringy, you just wanted to look away.’

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