Scottish Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


THE proposed anti-pollution charge for town centre driving is the perfect way to kill off the High Street.

J. M. HURRELL, Kennington, Kent.

THE best way to make tulips last (Inspire) is to push a needle through the stem at the base of the flower. Mine last up to a fortnight.


PUT a couple of 1p or 2p coins in the vase and you’ll have poker-straight tulips for days.

CAROLE MAXEY, Cobham, Surrey.

FOR Paul McCartney, it’s Live And Don’t Dye!

DON ANDREWS, Redbourn, Herts.

I AGREE with historian David Olusoga that Churchill had two sides (Mail). As did Nelson Mandela, which many people convenient­ly forget.

TREVOR GOODWIN, Rothwell, Northants.

MEGHAN MARKLE might well be a natural with a gun in her hand (Mail), but her instructor should have told her never to aim at anyone unless you’re required to shoot them.


WHY is my BBC licence fee used to pay huge fees to John McEnroe and only a tenth of this to Martina Navratilov­a? This biased approach needs reform. Privatisat­ion is the answer.


WILL the person with their hand on the global warming button please switch it on because I’m freezing.

R. MARTIN, Worthing, W. Sussex.

YOU know the pavements haven’t been gritted when the cyclists start using the roads.

JOHN DALEY, Banbury, Oxon.

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