Scottish Daily Mail



THE CHILDREN OF CASTLE ROCK by Natasha Farrant (Faber £6.99)

WHEN her family home is sold after the death of her adored mother, Alice, 11, is packed off to an eccentric Scottish boarding school by her feckless actor father, Barney.

Despite her fears, she makes friends with boys Jesse and Fergus and invites her father to the school’s Visitors’ Day.

After he fails, as usual, to turn up, she receives a mysterious package from him and a note asking her to deliver it to an old castle on a remote island. Using the school’s Orienteeri­ng Challenge as a cover, she enlists her pals’ help, dodging criminals with guns along the way.

A joyously old-fashioned, Blyton-esque hymn to unsupervis­ed childhoods, this fast-paced, witty adventure has undertones of grief and shows the power of friendship to heal the disappoint­ment of adults’ emotional neglect. Age 10+

A FAR AWAY MAGIC by Amy Wilson (Macmillan £6.99)

AFTER her parents die in suspicious circumstan­ces, 13year-old Angel is angry and friendless at her new school. The only pupil she wants to connect with is the solitary, sullen Bavar, in whom she recognises a hidden darkness and power.

She inveigles herself into his family home, where she discovers a menacing magic unleashed by Bavar’s parents, who have died. Bavar is the only one capable of closing the rift between the worlds of the evil raksasa spirits and humans.

Wilson harnesses the spiritual and mystical elements and roots them in a bleakly funny adolescent reality. Age 11+

MAX AND THE MILLIONS by Ross Montgomery (Faber £6.99)

ANOTHER frenzied caper from Montgomery’s vivid imaginatio­n. Ten-year-old Max is isolated at school, and not just because he wears hearing aids and is picked on by the moneygrubb­ing headmaster. He finds solace in building tiny models with janitor Mr Darrow.

When Mr Darrow mysterious­ly disappears, Max discovers a miniature world of three warring tribes — Red, Green and Blue — who are alive and furious in the caretaker’s room. Can Max and his only friend Sasha reconcile the enemies before the headmaster finds them?

This is a wildly energetic ride in which even the smallest warrior has a big heart. Max’s use of his lip-reading skill as an unusual, personal superpower is inspiratio­nal. Age 9+

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