Scottish Daily Mail

Has Coronation Street finally lost the plot?


CORONATION Street prides itself on reflecting modern life, including social problems and taboos. It is running a story about racism and verbal abuse of a young Muslim woman by white men. Previously, it had a storyline about the abuse of a white girl by a white gang. It is set in Manchester, yet I don’t recall any mention of the Arena bombing, storylines about Asian grooming gangs or homegrown terrorists. To truly mirror social problems, it should be balanced instead of being steeped in political correctnes­s. Mrs J. BYRNe, Harrow, Middlesex. I’D LIKE to congratula­te the producer and actors for the male rape storyline on Coronation Street. It has been brilliantl­y acted and is very true to life. As a male rape survivor, I can relate to the issues raised and how they are portrayed. While there is a lot of support for female rape victims, there is very little for men. I hope that people watching this soap will have the courage to speak out and get help if it has happened to them.

Name and address supplied. I AM disgusted at Coronation Street. It is no longer family viewing. First we have a serial killer and now a rape story before the 9pm watershed. Are the writers trying to compete with EastEnders to see who can write the most depressing storylines? Can we please go back to a light-hearted family soap to cheer us all up a bit?

gRAHAM DUNN, eastbourne, e. Sussex. ARE there no depths of depravity that Coronation Street will not sink to? We’ve had murder, drug addiction, sexual abuse, grooming and now homosexual rape, all before the watershed. I have watched this soap for 50 years, and it used to be a pleasure and a giggle, but no more.

gLeNNIS eDMONDS, Fleet, Hants. THINGS must be bad when I put on EastEnders for a little light relief after Coronation Street. RIcHARD JOHNS, Fareham, Hants.

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